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тАШCleanтАЩ Beauty: What to Know


Feb. 12, 2024 тАУ Clean. Natural.

If the labels on your cosmetics and skin care products donтАЩt include these descriptors, youтАЩre not looking as great as you could and perhaps even jeopardizing your health.

At least thatтАЩs the marketing message behind many тАЬcleanтАЭ and тАЬnaturalтАЭ cosmetics and skin care products, from eyeliner to foundation to moisturizers and more.

Both markets are booming, analysts say. The natural cosmetics market is estimated to reach┬а$1.87 billion in the U.S. this year, up 7.1% from last year, according to Statista, a data platform. And Grand View Research says the U.S. natural skin care product market was┬а$1.5 billion in 2021.┬а

Stores like Credo, which has a тАЬCredo Clean Standard,тАЭ carry dozens of what it calls┬атАЬclean beautyтАЭ brands and ask companies it stocks about the source of their ingredients.┬аAccording to Aracelis Ramirez, manager at a Credo store in Los Angeles, тАЬthere are over 3,000 chemicals we omit from our products.” Customers are seeking products that donтАЩt contain toxins, hormone disrupters, or potentially cancer-causing ingredients, she said.

Likewise, the Detox Market, another тАЬclean beautyтАЭ marketplace, asks suppliers for ingredient transparency.┬а

Celebrities also push clean, natural products, often their own lines. Gwyneth Paltrow is known for her Goop products, touted as тАЬwithout ingredients shown or suspected to harm our health.тАЭ┬аAnd Jennifer LopezтАЩs JLo beauty products are made without sulfates, parabens, phthalates, or mineral oil, according to the company website.┬а

The problem? There are no definitions for either clean or natural from the FDA, which regulates cosmetics. So, when a celebrity beauty maven or a clean cosmetic company tells you their stuff is clean and natural, think twice about taking that as gospel.

What’s more, many ingredients in cosmetics and skin care products are┬аpotentially hazardous to health, and advocacy organizations such as the Environmental Working Group, as well as legislators, are working tirelessly to get those ingredients removed.

Meanwhile, itтАЩs a buyer beware market, whether you’re looking for clean, natural, organic, or just the lowest-priced product that delivers what it promises.

Clean, Natural DoesnтАЩt Always Equal Safe

Buying only products labeled natural or clean is far from a guarantee of avoiding hazards, according to Bruce Brod, MD, a clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine.

All this marketing about clean and natural has ignited fear in consumers, as he wrote in a 2019 editorial, warning that┬а“natural” does not mean safe.┬аHe cautioned that many ingredients denounced by those he calls тАЬclean beauty evangelistsтАЭ seem to be selected haphazardly, with some ingredients on their banned lists actually not only acceptable but considered helpful by dermatologists. One example: A large food store chain known for health-conscious products included petrolatum on a banned ingredients list, and Brod said dermatologists have consistently recommended this to patients with skin conditions because it is inexpensive, tends not to cause allergic reactions, and draws water into the skin.

Since he wrote that editorial, summarizing the hazards of viewing all products labeled clean or natural as safe, the hype тАЬhas gotten a little bit worse,тАЭ Brod said during a recent phone interview. ThatтАЩs partly due to sheer volume, he said, with more and more product lines using some form of either┬а“clean” or “natural” in their label. тАЬThe world of skin care and cosmetics is more fragmented and confusing than itтАЩs been in the past,тАЭ he said. New brands launch frequently, social media touts the products, and celebrity endorsements are plentiful.

тАЬThe interest in a тАШcleanтАЩ or тАШnaturalтАЩ approach to treating skin conditions is absolutely on the rise,тАЭ said Lindsey Zubritsky, MD, FAAD, a dermatologist in Ocean Springs, MS. тАЬNot only am I seeing this online, but patients are now coming into clinic to ask about alternative treatments to traditional recommendations. This has exploded with the rise in social media [use] and those who donтАЩt have formal training in the subject giving out advice.тАЭ

Among the more bizarre do-it-yourself trends she has seen discussed: applying raw potatoes to the skin as an acne treatment or ice cubes on the face to reduce puffiness.┬а

Natural ingredients, such as botanical and essential oils, can cause sensitive people to get allergic contact dermatitis, Brod said. He pointed to a┬аstudy in which researchers cross-referenced the ingredient lists of 1,651 natural personal care products with a database of allergens linked to contact dermatitis. They found 94% of the products had at least one potential contact allergen. The marketing of the clean and natural products тАЬis trying to influence the purchaser to think┬аit has a certain increased level of safety, and thatтАЩs not the case,тАЭ Brod said. Consumers need to know this, he said.

FDA, USDA, and a Lack of Definitions

The FDA, which regulates cosmetics under the authority of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act,┬аdoes not define natural, clean, or organic on labels. The Agricultural Marketing Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) oversees the┬аNational Organic Program (NOP) and includes a definition of organic. Those┬аcosmetic or personal care products that include agricultural ingredients and can meet the standards may be eligible to use organic labels, according to Courtney Rhode, an FDA spokesperson.

In Search of Safer Products: Legislation

The┬аModernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA), which became effective Dec. 29, 2023, is a start, some experts said. It requires formal FDA registration of cosmetic facilities, products, and ingredients; requires serious adverse event reporting; and requires companies to disclose their use of specific fragrances and flavor ingredients, among other advances. The act also requires the study of PFAS (perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances), also known as “forever chemicals.”

States are taking action, too. In 2020,┬аCalifornia passed the California Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act, banning 24 toxic ingredients (such as formaldehyde) from cosmetics and personal care products in the state. An additional┬а26 ingredients were banned in 2023. The laws take effect in 2025 and 2027, respectively.┬аAt least five other┬аstates are taking action to prohibit PFAS from cosmetics.┬а

The┬аBreast Cancer Prevention Partners, an organization focused on eliminating toxic chemicals that can lead to breast cancer, is championing five pieces of federal legislation, said Janet Nudelman, senior director of program and policy at the organization and director of its┬аCampaign for Safe Cosmetics. Four are part of the┬аSafer Beauty Bill Package. The fifth is the┬аNo PFAS in Cosmetics Act, which would ban this class of PFAS chemicals in cosmetics.┬а

In Search of Information: Consumer Guides

The Environmental Working GroupтАЩs┬аSkin Deep is a guide to safer personal care products. It now includes more than 100,000 products and rates them based on hazards. тАЬWe are seeing a slow movement towards better scores,тАЭ said Homer Swei, PhD, the group’s senior vice president of healthy living science. HeтАЩs also seen the trend toward natural ingredients. тАЬWhat IтАЩm seeing is a slow migration away from synthetics to more natural ingredients.тАЭ The Environmental Working Group, he said, is not pro-natural ingredients or pro-synthetic, but rather looks at the data and assigns a score based on research about hazards. (The group is an Amazon affiliate, and it said it gets a nominal percentage of the sale of any product bought through that portal.)

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics also has a┬аChemicals of Concern section.┬а

The┬аCosmetic Ingredient Review, funded by the Personal Care Products Council, an industry group, reviews research on ingredients. The review is independent of the council and industry.

Advice for Consumers

Less is more, Brod tells patients. Limit products to just whatтАЩs needed.

Filter out products that have extensively long ingredient lists, he said, especially if you have sensitive skin. For those who do have sensitive skin, he suggests picking a product with 10 or fewer ingredients. With any new product, test an area, such as the inner part of your elbow, for 7 to 10 days to see if any allergic reaction occurs, he said.

тАЬCost does not equal quality,тАЭ Brod said. тАЬPeople should not feel if they are not spending huge amounts of cash on a product that itтАЩs not good. There are some very good products that come at very reasonable price points.тАЭ


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