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Komodo dragon teeth get their strength from an iron coat

Komodo dragon teeth are ironclad. Literally. The serrated edges and tips of the reptiles’…

A new algae-based menstrual pad could stop leaks

Menstruation can be messy and uncomfortable, often due to leaky pads, tampons and cups. A new…

Moonquakes are much more common than thought, Apollo data suggest

A new look at decades-old data from the Apollo missions has uncovered evidence of tens of thousands of…

Your world is different from a pigeon’s – but a new theory explains how we can…

Geelong, The human eye registers three colours of light: red, green and blue. But pigeons can also see a fourth…

Ancient secrets unearthed in vast Turkish cave city

Through a basement door in southeastern Turkey lies a sprawling underground city perhaps the country's largest…

NASA’s Perseverance finds its first possible hint of ancient Mars life

NASA’s Perseverance rover has bagged its first hint of ancient microbes on Mars. “We’re not able to…

Dark matter experiments get a first peek at the ‘neutrino fog’ 

The neutrino “fog” is beginning to materialize. Lightweight subatomic particles called neutrinos have…

The North Star is much heavier than previously thought

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