The CBI has launched a preliminary enquiry into alleged match fixing in Indian football matches, PTI reported on Monday. The report stated the enquiry began 15 days ago and CBI has sought and collected documents from All India Football Federation (AIFF) on several Indian clubs. None of the club names were mentioned in the report.
As per reports, the match fixer under CBI’s radar is Wilson Raj Perumal based in Singapore, who is rigging the results of matches. A report in ANI mentioned that Perumal has invested in Indian clubs through Living 3D Holdings Limited.
Wilson has previously been convicted in Finland and Hungary, also jailed for match-fixing in Singapore in 1995.
Speaking to ANI on the matter, AIFF secretary general Shaji Prabhakaran said the body has “zero tolerance” towards match-fixing. He has also asked to clubs concerned to full cooperate with the enquiry.
“We have zero tolerance towards match-fixing. We have asked all the concerned clubs to cooperate with the CBI investigation,” said Prabhakaran.
Earlier this year ahead of the U’17 Women’s World Cup, which was held in India, FIFA had imposed a ban on the country, which was lifted after 11 days.
FIFA had issued the suspension on August 15 for “undue influence from third parties.” It was the first time Indian football were suspended by the global body. The ban was lifted after the Supreme Court dissolved the three-member CoA, constituted by it in May.
FIFA had then said the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) will continue to monitor the situation and will also help AIFF in conducting its elections smoothly.
Following the ban, Kalyan Chaubey was elected as the new president of AIFF.
-with agencies inputs