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YouTuber who beat girlfriend to death for money on sick livestream jailed for 6 years – World News


A YouTuber who killed his girlfriend in a sickening live stream before telling viewers ‘she’s not breathing’ has been jailed for six years.

Vlogger Stanislav ‘ReeFlay’ Reshetnikov, 30, real name Reshetnyak, hurled abuse at Valentina ‘Valya’ Grigoryeva, 28, as he attacked her near his home on Moscow.

He was paid by watchers to inflict verbal and physical violence, labelling the victim a “prostitute” and “smelly” in a video broadcast to tens of thousands of followers.

During the stream Reshetnyak dragged Ms Gigoryeva outside near naked onto a balcony and left her there in subzero temperatures.

First reports said the victim froze to death but forensic examination later concluded a head injury sustained during the attack was the cause of death.

When Reshetnikov brought her back inside, he told viewers: “Guys… No pulse… She’s pale. She is not breathing.”

Reshetnyak dragged Ms Gigoryeva outside near naked

He was convicted of inflicting grievous bodily harm resulting in death and sentenced to six years in a strict penal colony by a Russian court.

As he went into court in Moscow, his mother Elena Reshetnyak is seen kissing him on a video before he appeared sobbing and flanked by armed officers for his sentence.

Ms Grigoryeva’s corpse had “craniocerebral trauma” and “multiple bruising on the face and haemorrhaging of soft tissues”.

Valentina Grigoryeva
The victim was dragged onto a freezing balcony during the attack

Valentina Grigoryeva
Valentina Grigoryeva was subjected to a stream of physical and verbal abuse

Reshetnyak “testified that on the day in question he hit the deceased several times on the head” and admitted “beating her,” said a law enforcement source..

Initial reports that she was pregnant were later denied.

Psychological and psychiatric examinations of the streamer found him to be “sane” and fit to face trial.

Stas Reshetnikov
Stanislav Reshetnikov in court

He was convicted of “intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, dangerous to human life, committed with the use of an object used as a weapon, resulting in the death of the victim by negligence”.

His mother, brothers and sister, who attended his trial, were described by NTV as being “in a very subdued mood, and refusing to talk to the media”.

Ms Reshetnyak, a sales manager, had said earlier that her son “wouldn’t hurt a kitten” and was “very kind”.

Stas Reeflay
A leading Russian prosecutor has called for tighter punishments for “trash streams” in the wake of the killing

Valentina Gavrilova
Valentina Gavrilova reportedly said in an earlier livestream that she was pregnant

Leading Russian senator Aleksey Pushkov has called for specific legal punishments including harsher sentences and fines for “trash streams” highlighting cruelty.

“This is becoming more and more widespread, so it is necessary to legislatively respond to this form of activity,” he said.

“Naturally, if we are talking about direct participation or complicity in murder, then the imprisonment term may be longer.”

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