Lakshay Chaudhary, an internet influencer and video creator, recently shared a photo from an Indian railway coach on his Instagram story. It showed a wedding-saree-clad woman resting on the footboard of the train. With her ‘ghunghat’ and red saree, the lady was seen seated next to luggage. The photo showing the woman travelling without a ticket in uncomfortable way caught the attention of netizens. It went viral with Chaudhary’s caption, which read, “No income, no marriage”.
While sharing the photo online, Chaudhary pointed out how women should be married off only to those who are capable enough, especially financially, to run a family and take care of their partner. He condemned the way in which the woman was made to travel on the railway coach, by sitting on the floor in the passage area.
“Sex and marriage should be allowed according to individual ITR in India”, he wrote suggesting that one’s income must be concerned before finding a partner and taking the wedding vows.
In his strong remark, which quite practically linked marriage with finances, he emphasised on the “No income, no marriage” concept. Further, he also laid out few income brackets suggesting whether they could be allowed to marry, have kids, or not.
According to Chaudhary, a person with an income of above Rs. 7,00,000 must be allowed to marry, but restricted from giving birth to kids, considering the couple might not be financially sound to raise the child and provide good education to them.
Further, in his opinion, he said, “Up to two kids for those earning more than Rs 15,00,000. Those with an income over Rs 1,00,00,000 could have unlimited sex”.
Taking a dig at the situation and proposing that people should be married only based on income and one’s economic stability, Chaudhary mentioned that people with higher income must not only be allowed to have unlimited sex but also be given “free lubricant and stuff as a subsidy”.
Netizens react
Now, the photo shared by the influencer has gone viral on the internet. Several people across social media platforms are forwarding it, sparking an outrage on the internet.
“Dear parents please don’t marry your daughter to a man who cannot afford a decent lifestyle for himself and also your daughter. Sooner or later economical crisis will become the reason for their daily fights”, one user wrote.
Another slammed this remark as a “Classist” one, and said, “This is LakshayтАЩs Instagram story where he says that marriage and kids should be allowed to people based on how much ITR they file, total forgetting the fact that these are inferred rights to an individual. Desh aur logo ki lives inke hisaab se chalengi ab? Pure classist this guy is!”.
Comments poured in further and one of them read, “It makes sense to get married and have children when you have money to sustain your household and give your children a decent lifestyle. We see so many kids begging on streets with another one on the way”.
Meanwhile, some pointed out that just a photo can’t entirely help viewers determine the situation and their need to commute without a ticket. In this regard, netizens wrote, “This is wrong you cannot judge a situation by just a photo . Who knows they wanted to go in an emergency and didn’t get the train tickets at the last moment. And instead of appealing to parents , daughters need to understand first that marrying and running away is not an option”.