Woman with ‘perfect’ life shares her reality of body dysmorphia and low libido – World News

A woman with a seemingly ‘perfect’ life has revealed the reality of social media by admitting her issues – including being lonely, having body dysmorphia, and opening up about having a low sex drive.

TikTok star Kayla has almost 65,000 followers and regularly uploads videos of herself working out, socialising, or just generally enjoying herself in her home.

But she has now opened up about the reality of her life, revealing that it is a world apart from the image that she presents to her fans – and the honesty has struck a chord with her followers.

Her video has now been viewed over three million times and Kayla said that she wanted to ‘normalise’ things about her life which followers might not instantly realise.

Kayla wanted to normalise her life for her fans
(Image: @kmalll6/Tiktok)
She revealed that she has a low sex drive
(Image: @kmalll6/Tiktok)

She captioned the video “Just a reminder that everyone has insecurities and things they don’t talk about” and went on to reveal she “only has one girlfriend” and added that she spends “99 per cent” of her time alone.

Kayla added that she suffers with body dysmorphia, has a low libido and goes through times where she doesn’t want to have sex.

Kayla was told that her life was perfect, but she wanted to show that it wasn’t
(Image: @kmalll6/Tiktok)

Since the video was uploaded, it has had over 370,000 likes and around 5,000 comments – with many people saying they suffer with similar issues to Kayla.

One said: “So I’m not the only one with a low libido? This needs to be talked about more.”

While a second added: “Thank you! Was just freaking that I don’t have enough girlfriends to be bridesmaids. A true fear.”

A third, named Holly McGlothlin, said: “Whoa, am I you or are you me?”

And a fourth added: “Low key glad I’m not the only one.”

After receiving the comments, Kayla thanked her fans for their kinds words – adding that it made her feel more ‘normal’.

She added: “It’s the best feeling. So just know that you’re not alone!”

Do you have a story to share? We’d love to her all about it. Get in touch via yourmirror@mirror.co.uk

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