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Woman lost nose, lips, tongue, hands and feet to sepsis after being bitten by mongoose – World News


A woman lost her nose, lips, hands and feet after contracting sepsis when she was bitten by a mongoose.

Shaninlea Visser, 37, from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, was bitten by the mongoose in 2017 and collapsed two days later.

She said her hands and feet felt like they were on fire.

In hospital, the mother was placed in an induced coma while doctors amputated her nose, lips, tip of her tongue, hands and feet.

Four years on from what at one point was thought to be a fatal infection, she has made a recovery and surprised doctors by surviving nearly 70 reconstructive operations.

Shaninlea Visser from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa
Shaninlea Visser from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa

Shaninlea Visser from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa
She was bitten by a mongoose

And Shaninlea has also bounced back to public life to tell her story and help others in bad times who need inspiration.

This month, she released a documentary about her ordeal and launched a new inspirational talk show programme The Shan Show.

In her first episode, Shaninlea interviewed recovering drug addict Costa Carastavrakis who battled an addiction to tobacco, alcohol and later drugs such as crystal meth before becoming an athlete, motivational speaker and successful author.

Shaninlea Visser from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa
Shaninlea had to be put in a coma

Shaninlea Visser from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa
She is now telling her story

Shaninlea said that she wanted to launch a “platform where people can share their incredible stories, motivate and inspire other people”.

The show is aired on several online platforms and features guests who have managed to overcome adversity to find the best version of themselves to help inspire others.

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