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Which mythical creature are you, based on your zodiac sign? | Astrology


Regardless of who we are, we all live two lives: One in reality and the other in our fantasies. We all have our own unique set of magical abilities. Sometimes, these powers are beyond what’s rational and logical much like the legendary mythical creatures of folklores. Find out which mythical creature are you, based on your zodiac sign.

Aries: Dragon

Source: Unsplash

The dragon is perhaps the most well-known and adored mythical creature of all times. Just like the dragon, for the fearless Aries itтАЩs either win or die, there is no middle ground. The unstoppable Aries will pursue their desires with fierce intensity, they put their entire selves into every action, and everyone beneath them admires and fears their strength.

Taurus: Dryad

Source: Unsplash
Source: Unsplash

The fairy-like dryad is the divinity of the woods, they are spirits of the forests who are eternally bound to the trees. The earth sign, Taurus, is always in tune with nature. A Taurus exudes dryadтАЩs strength as they guard their wooded home with unwavering loyalty and grant healing to everyone who requests it.

Gemini: Fairy

Source: Unsplash
Source: Unsplash

The mischievous and ethereal Gemini perceives the world through a fairy’s eyes. Due to their belief in all things enchanted and mysterious, fairies experience magic and miracles. Geminis are the ideal embodiment of fairies- playful, mystical, and eloquent. Just like fairies, Geminis add a bit of fairy dust into every situation.

Cancer: Werewolf

Source: Pexels 
Source: Pexels┬а

Cancer ,like the werewolf growls with passion and ferocity, drawing all its strength from the moon. Though powerful, a werewolf also has an emotional side. Just like the werewolf protects its pact, the cancer would do anything to protect their loved ones, even if it means transforming into a form that may be terrifying to other.

Leo: Sphynx

Source: Pexels
Source: Pexels

The sphynx is a fierce mythical creature with a human head , the body of a lion and wings of a falcon. A Leo has the regal power of a sphinx and is worshipped by everyone who knows their name. Guided by the sun, they exude status and power. With a raging roar they have the power to intimidate people into obedience.

Virgo: Unicorn

Source: Unsplash
Source: Unsplash

A beautiful unicorn automatically comes to mind when we talk of Virgo, a sign indicative of purity and innocence. A Virgo will only bestow their uncommon and mysterious powers upon those who deserve them since they have the uncorrupted might of a beast and an unending love for those who are most defenseless.

Libra: Sylph

Source: https://jenikirbyhistory.getarchive.net/
Source: https://jenikirbyhistory.getarchive.net/

Sylphs are beautiful spirits that live in the sky. A Libra personifies the heavenly radiance of a sylph who is fueled by delicate magic. These transparent and mystical beings are so distant from the confines of the physical world , that it is said any person who is fortunate enough to look into a sylph’s eyes is blessed with the most precious of all beauty. A Libra as virtuous as a Sylph lives a life of service and has no materialistic interests.

Scorpio: Vampire

Source: Wikimedia commons
Source: Wikimedia commons

Vampires are dark, thrilling, and often attractive characters who although give off incredibly intense feelings, individuals still find themselves irrationally drawn to the beast. They are alluring enough for people to disobey any red flags because of their strong aura and manner of carrying themselves. Scorpios have the same capacity to make people obey without them doubting the situation even once.

Sagittarius: Centaur

Source: Unsplash
Source: Unsplash

A centaur gallops and speaks with the brave wisdom of a Sagittarius, embodying the combined might of man and nature. With a bow and arrow in hand, a centaur goes to all extremes to achieve its goals while also learning throughout the journey. A centaur perfectly depicts the free-spirited, adventurous Sagittarius who is always on an endless journey , searching for new goals and knowledge.

Capricorn: Elf

Source: Pexels
Source: Pexels

Capricorns surely pass as elves because of how knowledgeable and attractive they are. Elves govern the earth with their immortal strength- establishing power, wealth, and glory in their name. They choose to maintain a low profile and avoid showing off their power to the world just like the earth sign. Even though they possess all of these attributes, elves prefer to be grounded and modest.

Aquarius: Undine

Source: Flickr 
Source: Flickr┬а

These beautiful elemental water spirits wander around lagoons , serving as a bridge between the underwater world and the earth. They adore humans passionately and guard them from a distance. The beautiful but cursed creatures are born without a human soul. They live in the hope that their beauty will perhaps entice a human lover so they can permanently join our kind. The same can be seen with the knowledgeable yet emotionless Aquarians who remain lone wolves until they find true love.

Pisces: Mermaid

Source: Pexels
Source: Pexels

Mermaids are among the most adored and loved mythical creatures of all time. Just like the Pisces, they are known for their elegance, beauty and grace. This gorgeous enchantress is just as unreachable as Pisces who are insightful, empathetic, and romantic like mermaids. Their imagination has seen it all from the dark, unreachable thoughts to the fictitious day dreams.

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