Mumbai: Salman Khan is known for being the Dabangg Khan he is. He never shies away from expressing himself publically, and especially when he is with his friends, he forgets to filter. An old video of Salman Khan poking fun at music composer AR Rahman has gone viral on social media, sparking a wave of reactions from netizens. In the clip, Salman can be heard humorously calling Rahman an “average” composer during an event in 2014. However, the actor quickly turned the conversation towards a playful request, asking Rahman, “Humare liye kab kaam karoge?” (When will you work with us?). Rahman, known for his calm and composed nature, responded with a lighthearted comment, saying, “He (Salman) will have to do the kind of films I like, only then I’ll work with him.”
The exchange seemed to have been in good humour, but some viewers noted an awkward moment during the interaction. One user commented that Rahman appeared to not be too fond of Salman, based on his body language. The user pointed out that after Salman jokingly referred to Rahman as “average,” the composer kept his hands in his pockets, prompting Salman to forcefully take Rahman’s hand out for a handshake.
Interestingly, despite the playful banter, Rahman had previously composed the music for Salman Khan’s film Yuvvraaj in 2008, showing that their professional relationship had already been established before the event.
The video has sparked mixed reactions, with some fans interpreting Salman’s remark as a sarcastic joke, while others read it as a more serious slight. Regardless of the interpretation, it seems both Salman and Rahman have maintained a respectful relationship in their professional careers, with both stars continuing to achieve success in their respective fields.