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What do I do if my details have been hacked?


It was revealed this morning that Medicare numbers were exposed in the data breach. 

Previously Optus revealed the leak had included names, dates of birth, email addresses, phone numbers, postal addresses, drivers’ licence numbers and passport numbers.

The original ransom demand was posted online on Friday afternoon.
The original ransom demand was posted online on Friday afternoon. (Supplied)

But it had not revealed Medicare details had also been compromised.

“Medicare numbers were never notified as forming part of the breach,” Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said.

“Consumers have also got a right to know exactly what individual personal information has been compromised in Optus’s communications to them.”

Dreyfus said the Australian Federal Police is “devoting huge effort” to catch the culprit.

State and territory police as well as the USA’s FBI have also been involved.

How do I know what data has been exposed?

The onus is on Optus to tell you if your data has been breached. So far the telco has informed many customers and former customers their information has been exposed.

But the telco is yet to say specifically what data was breached from what user.

You can also make a privacy complaint to the OAIC, but you will need to contact Optus first.
Email to customer about the Optus cyberattack.
An email to a customer about the Optus data breach. (Supplied)

What do I do if my data has been hacked?

Optus has engaged the cybersecurity company IDCare to support customers with their data exposed.

The IDCare website has a form customers can fill out as a first step.

But the company has warned their case managers are dealing with a high number of calls because of the breach.

You should not use non-government sites to check if your data has been exposed.

Sites which ask for your personal details to find out if you have been hacked are often just data gathering sites for nefarious actors.

What can happen if my details are hacked?

For most people, the biggest risk will be identity theft.

The onus is on Optus to tell you if your data has been breached. (Kate Geraghty)

A person could use your data to open a bank account or the like, and possibly seek a loan.

Victims have also been blackmailed from the Optus breach, with some customers contacted already demanding money to keep their data private.

But Alastair MacGibbon from CyberCX told 9News there could be fatal consequences.

“If you were a person that has fled a violent relationship and you are currently in hiding from your former partner, and your address has now been basically stolen by a criminal,” he said.

“For the vast bulk of us, it means we are more likely to be scammed, have things like our identity stolen, but for a certain subset of people, it does pose a threat to their safety.”

What should I be on alert for?

If your data has been leaked, you may become a target for scammers.

Dreyfus has urged all Optus customers to be vigilant.

“Do not click on any links in a text message,” he said.

“Check all website sources – just check that it is an official website before taking any future action.

“If you are unsure about why you are being asked to divulge private information, stop and verify who the person or organisation is that is making that request of you.”

Optus customers have had their personal details leaked.
Optus customers have had their personal details leaked. (Cole Bennetts)

Has my account definitely been leaked?

If you have been an Optus customer anytime between 2017 and now, your details are most likely in the hands of the hacker.

So far, 10,000 Optus customers have had their details leaked in a way that is publicly accessible.

Earlier on Tuesday the purported hacker claimed the remaining details had been completely deleted.

It is somewhat doubtful the data has been actually deleted. For many nefarious operators, it is better if people believe their personal details are secure.

Optus customers are advised to take a number of steps to protect their identity online. (Graphic: Channing Young)

You can only change certain details among those leaked in the Optus hack.

Obviously you can’t change your date of birth, and you’d have to move to change your home address.

If you renew your passport, your new one will have a different number.

But if you get a new Medicare card, it will have the same number on it.

NSW Customer Services Minister Victor Dominello said people in the state can get a new digital drivers licence issued instantaneously via the Service NSW app. A new plastic card will be issued within ten business days.

The new licence will cost users $29, with “reimbursement advice will be issued by Optus to customers in the coming days”.

In Victoria, you won’t be able to change your driver’s licence unless you can prove actual identity fraud has taken place with it, while Queenslanders who were affected by the breach can have a new license provided to them without charge.

Each jurisdiction has different rules about driver’s licence numbers.

Should Optus pay the ransom?

The telco has already said it will not pay the $US1 million ransom demanded of it by the purported hacker.

“It is already possible that someone has paid the ransom,” MacGibbon said.

“I said earlier that Optus needed to consider the concept of paying the ransom if indeed it would help reduce the chance of threats to the safety of this small subset of people whose data clearly has been stolen.

“It may be that someone has already bought the data from the criminals, which is why they say they have taken it down.”

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