Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for June 27-July 03 | Astrology

Aries (March 21-April 20)

Love: Three of Swords

Mood: Justice

Career: The Hanged Man

You got to deliberately start manifesting what you expect on the work front to be executed! It will certainly happen; trust the stars the delay is for the good! Things improve on the academic front. Those single may need to muster some courage to share their feelings with the one they like. Reposing faith in a family youngster will help them perform better. Being socially active is likely to enhance your network with influential people. A healthy diet is likely to refresh your digestive system. A tenant may cause some turbulence and may need to be handled with diplomacy. Sufficient in flow of cash is foreseen.

Lucky Number : 2

Lucky Color : Blue

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

Love: The Magician

Mood: The Hermit

Career: Three of Coins

You are likely to be appreciated on the work front. A much-awaited job opportunity is likely to be availed. An unannounced expense may eat up some of your savings. Freelancers and consultants are likely to make some extra bucks. Excellent results on the academic front are likely to boost up your morale. Someone on the domestic front may not be in sync with your ideas – avoid poking in too much! A workplace romance may show signs of fading if you do not put in the desired efforts. A property issue hanging in for long will now rest in your favour. Exercising proves to be a boon!

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Color : Peach

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Love: Six of Swords

Mood: Five of Coins

Career: Three of Wands

Only work and no play is likely to make this week boring. It is high time you have given yourself a priority to relax. Tight deadlines can be met provided you do not commit to do everything by your own. A random trip is likely to make you explore some beautiful places. Finalising a dream home is possible. A responsibility may have to be taken up on the social front. It is time to pay attention to relationships turning sour every now and then. Talking to each other about it is likely to help. Some of you may be lacking the motivation to take up a regular fitness routine.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Color : Brown

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Love: Two of Wands

Mood: Emperor

Career: The World

Hard work coupled with some smart work is likely to take you up the ladder on the career front. Reciprocating the feelings of someone you love is likely to strengthen your bond. Differences amongst those newly married are likely to be sorted now. Avoid taking up a long journey by road. Do not get carried away by smooth talkers on the financial front. A shortcut may not work well with you on the health front. Some guests are likely to throng upon your place over the weekend. Shopping some things for home may be on the minds of some. Avoid participating with the gossip mongers.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Color: Yellow

Leo (July 23-August 23)

Love: Six of Cups

Mood: Knight of Swords

Career: Devil

The week begins with an exciting news on the property front. Health improves for those ailing. Domestic front will be infused with excitement to welcome someone who is coming home after long! A long interesting conversation with the one you love is likely to sparkle some fresh air in your relationship. Students are likely to face some challenges in developing a conceptual understanding. A job offer is just around the corner for those starting afresh. A client is likely to spread a good word about you. Renovating a room or home may be on the minds of some. An old friend is likely to extend and share their happiness with you.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Color : White

Virgo (August 24-September 23)

Love: The Hanged Man

Mood: The Lovers

Career: Temperance

Avoid being in a rush to speak your mind. Listen to what someone has to say before giving your verdict. Extensive travel is foreseen for those involved in the sales and marketing. An opportunity to meet someone influential is likely to knock for some. A workplace senior may offer you to take something prestigious during the second half of the week. Those aspiring to study abroad are likely to hear of some good news. Health of a family elder may be a cause of concern. Spending time with family would be important. Cupid’s arrow strikes those single. An income on the side starts picking up.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Color : Orange

Libra (September 24-October 23)

Love: Four of Cups

Mood: The Hermit

Career: The Chariot

Romantic thoughts are likely to captivate your mind throughout this week. You may be required to volunteer for some tasks on the domestic front. You may be entrusted with some professional secrets. A financial decision may be taken in a jiffy. Accompanying someone on a journey is foreseen and promises much pleasure. You may need to put in more than your best to convince someone regarding a property matter. A business trip is likely to open new avenues. Your command over the subject is likely to get a leg up on the competitors. An important document you have been waiting for is likely to arrive.

Lucky Number : 3

Lucky Color : Lemon

Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

Love: Temperance

Mood: Page of Cups

Career: Tower

Take things one by one. If you rush after everything – you may bother yourself just too much this week. Flexibility will help you gel well with others. Unexpected results on the academic front are likely to boost your morale. A deadline for a project may require you to work overtime. A senior may expect you to take up new opportunities. Discussions for a promotion or an appraisal are underway. Someone may not take your words in the right stride on the social front. Impulsiveness can make you lose your savings. A loan may be sanctioned but with some conditions or additional clauses. Lover’s achievements are likely to call in for a celebration.

Lucky Number : 5

Lucky Color : Grey

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Love: Two of Swords

Mood: Seven of Cups

Career: Strength

Trust your instincts – they will not let you down. Those trying hard to make a name in the field of music or art are likely to hear of an opportunity. Support of a family member in taking a big decision can be expected. Keep a tab on your expenses. A job switch may be on your mind. Retailers are likely to see an enhanced foot fall. Pain in the neck or legs may be troublesome. Someone’s harsh words can upset your peace of mind. Avoid confrontations on road. An award or a recognition is instore for some on the academic front.

Lucky Number : 7

Lucky Color : Orange

Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

Love: The Fool

Mood: Judgment

Career: Page of Wands

Cards favour you in whatever you take up this week. Love front appears to be most promising. Some of you may also want to go ahead and discuss the relationship with your family elders. Encouraging results can be expected under someone’s mentorship on the academic front. A property is likely to be sold with a profitable margin. A new health initiative is likely to prove magical. Avoid being too blunt with words on the social front. Children are likely to be a source of happiness. Stay attentive with an old vehicle getting troublesome. You may be tempted to make an expensive jewellery purchase.

Lucky Number : 2

Lucky Color : Red

Aquarius (January 22-February 19)

Love: King of Cups

Mood: Two of Coins

Career: The Lovers

A celebration or a get together is likely to bring everyone together. A long-awaited opportunity to travel abroad is likely to materialise for some. A pat on the back can be expected by those working in close connect with their boss. Buying furniture or some household items for home is foreseen. Lover is likely to surprise you with some gifts or a pre-planned outing. Some new strategies will help a new business venture to progress. Homemakers are likely to be appreciated for keeping up things in tact at home. Someone may need more support than usual on the social front. A new recipe is likely to make you popular.

Lucky Number: 1

Lucky Color : Yellow

Pisces (February 20-March 20)

Love: The Star

Mood: The World

Career: Ace of Wands

The week begins with luck shining on the career front. A profitable deal may bring you into big money. You are likely to get in touch with schoolmates or college mates. A blissful time is indicated for those married. A new love interest is likely to keep you occupied, if single. Your efforts are likely to attract success on the academic front. Your commitment towards keeping fit is likely to bear fruits now. Exploring some exotic locale is possible for some. A family elder may ask a favour that you cannot ignore.

Lucky Number :7

Lucky Color : Peach

(Manisha Koushik is a renowed tarot card reader and astrologer. She can be contacted at: +91-9650015920; Email: support@askmanisha.com; Website: www.askmanisha.com)

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