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Weekly Tarot Card Readings: Tarot prediction for June 06-June 12


*Aries (March 21-April 20)

Love: Seven of Cups

Mood: The Magician

Career: Knight of Coins

Good time is indicated on the professional front this week. Your extra ordinary skills to solve a complex situation with a cool mind are likely to come in for praise. LoverтАЩs is likely to support your endeavours and stand by you in whatever you decide upon. Someone is likely to mentor you on the academic front. A new exercise regimen is likely to benefit. Someone is likely to extend a helping hand on the financial front making things easy for you.

Angel Message: You are fully empowered to follow a new path in life that is full of excitement and wonder.

Lucky No.: 8

Lucky Colour: Violet

*Taurus (April 21-May 20)

Love: Judgement

Mood: The Fool

Career: Knight of Wands

A better understanding and companionship are indicated for those in love. Keep expenditure under check. Youngsters may crave for a change of scene. Some one in the family may not completely agree to your thoughts and ideas. Newly weds are likely to enjoy a scintillating time. Students may feel tremendous pressure regarding their performance. Work wise, you may not be in a mood to take extra responsibilities but you may not have an option to deny. Clean eating and a disciplined workout routine are going to bring magical results.

Angel Message: The opportunities for growth are truly unlimited if you have faith in yourself.

Lucky No.: 1

Lucky Colour: Light Green

*Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Love: Devil

Mood: Temperance

Career: The Hanged Man

A bag of mixed luck is foreseen this week. While you are likely to shine on the property and health front; you got to be equally careful on the work as well as love front. Students can sail through rough tides with a dedicated approach. Your financial worries are set to disappear as an overseas deal promises to bring in a good chunk of money. Lover may crave for your time and attention that you simply cannot ignore. A business trip may have to be re-planned.

Angel Message: Take the first step to find yourself on the way to a happier new life!

Lucky No.: 4

Lucky Colour: White

*Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Love: Three of Swords

Mood: Two of Coins

Career: The Empress

A calm attitude is what helps you drive through this week. Homemakers may be busy redoing the house. Curb unnecessary expenditure and hold on to your savings. Those planning to raise a loan for vehicle or a property may have to run around for some more documentation. Rapport building would be important on the work front. Carelessness on the health front should be best avoided. Lover may not appear to be in a good mood and you simply cannot just bypass that. Contribute with your best version on the relationship front.

Angel Message: DonтАЩt let a lack of experience or self confidence hold you back.

Lucky No.: 5

Lucky Colour: Peach

*Leo (July 23-August 23)

Love: The Tower

Mood: Magician

Career: Two of Coins

Hola! This is the time that promises to make you smile. Just surrender yourself to the cosmic energies and you shall attract positivity on its own. Travel revives back good old memories. Money from the past investment matures and flows in. A prestigious assignment is likely to land in your kitty on the professional front. Excellent results can be expected on the academic front. Remaining active promises good health. Time spent with lover proves to be the most exciting one! Surveying the property market helps you fetch a good deal.

Angel Message: You are meant to have the joy you seek!

Lucky No.: 7

Lucky Colour: Green

*Virgo (August 24-September 23)

Love: Ten of Cups

Mood: Justice

Career: The Sun

Excellence is your virtue this week. Celebrations are in store on the work front as promotion or appraisal letters arrive for some of you. Someone who captivates your mind is likely to reciprocate with the same vibe. A personal guidance regarding the financial front will be fruitful. Shopping may be on the minds of many but save yourself from compulsive buying. Those travelling alone are likely to develop new connections with strangers. Those planning to move abroad may have to wait for some more time.

Angel Message: Cosmic energies ensure to send helpful people to assist you as you go along.

Lucky No.: 8

Lucky Colour: Maroon

*Libra (September 24-October 23)

Love: Hierophant

Mood: The Lovers

Career: Two of Wands

With so many tabs opened at once; you may hardly be able to focus on any! It is time to prioritise things and then take them one by one. Time spent with family is likely to enhance your productivity. Too much dependency on the colleagues may only delay your goal. Your love hate relationship with someone is likely to take a new turn. Someone may be waiting for you to make the first move on the love front. Staying tight fisted on the financial front is likely to prove beneficial.

Angel Message: Free yourself from situations that no longer serve you!

Lucky No.: 9

Lucky Colour: Sandy Brown

*Scorpio (October 24-November 22)

Love: Six of Coins

Mood: The Star

Career: Eight of Cups

You may be in for some disappointment if you want everything to happen the way you want. A flexible approach is likely to open new doors in whatever you touch upon. People may not be too willing to extend help on the work front. Spouse may not volunteer to execute some changes on the home front. Pending payments that accounted to be lost are likely to be procured now. A business travel may have to be taken up at a short notice. Freshers are likely to hear of job opportunities.

Angel Message: You are empowered with the courage and confidence to make important changes in your life.

Lucky No.: 11

Lucky Colour: Violet

*Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

Love: Strength

Mood: Ten of Cups

Career: Two of Coins

When you work with dedication and be consistent with it тАУ the results are truly magical! This is going to be a week that puts you in limelight! Friends are likely to throw in a surprise. Love life proves to be exhilarating. A loan that you were seeking is likely to be approved. Work commitments may have to be put above everything during the second half. Those seeking leaves may see them granted. Those planning a road trip may need to plan things well in advance. Students are likely to bring laurels.

Angel Message: Release old fears that are holding you back!

Lucky No.: 4

Lucky Colour: Purple

*Capricorn (December 22-January 21)

Love: World

Mood: Judgement

Career: Temperance

Clarity of mind is what you require this week. Do not puzzle with the puzzle but try to solve the puzzle. Take some time to rejuvenate your love relationship or your cold behaviour may upset the one you love. Tackling issues on the domestic front should better be postponed for some other time. Reviving your financial stature would be important at this juncture. Be open to discussion with the seniors regarding their expectations from you on the work front. Carelessness on the study front can cost dearly.

Angel Message: Being self-assured and believing in yourself will let you achieve anything that sounds tough at the moment!

Lucky No.: 6

Lucky Colour: Chocolate

*Aquarius (January 22-February 19)

Love: The Emperor

Mood: The Fool

Career: King of Coins

Worrying will take you nowhere but your dedication certainly will! If you are too sure about something; you must go for it. Especially on the work front тАУ a new project, a new assignment or a new job тАУ whatever it may be! For those feeling low off late must connect with those who lift up their energies. You would be amazed to see that everyone around you is supportive now. Bank balance shows signs of improving as you start working towards building the assets. Some of you may plan to take your relationship to the next level.

Angel Message: Your child like innocence will keep you protected.

Lucky No.: 5

Lucky Colour: Sea Green

*Pisces (February 20-March 20)

Love: Strength

Mood: Two of Swords

Career: The Hermit

The only mantra to be successful is to keep going! Seniors are likely to pose faith in whatever you do. What more could you ask for on the professional front? Some words of wisdom from your mentor are likely to boost your results on the academic front. Luck shines on you on the financial front. Love life is going to be great and gives you moments of joy. Issues in the business partnership can upset you in the second half but you would be able to resolve them eventually!

Angel Message: Follow your heart тАУ it will lead you to the unknown realms!

Lucky No.: 2

Lucky Colour: Electric Blue

(Manisha Koushik is a renowed tarot card reader and astrologer. She can be contacted at: +91-9650015920; Email: support@askmanisha.com; Website: www.askmanisha.com)

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