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Ways to protect your energy: Therapist shares tips


In life, it is very important to prioritise ourselves before anyone or anything. When we learn to love ourselves first, we also learn how important it is to protect the mental, physical and the emotional strength we have for the things that keep us happy. Emotional strength is something which helps us to face ourselves and the day with renewed zeal. In order to maintain the strength within us, we need to ensure that we protect our energy and do not end up wasting it on people and things that do not deserve it. Therapist Sara Kuburic addressed this in one of her Instagram posts and spoke of the need of protecting our energy. She further noted down the things that we need to do in order to ensure that we do not waste the energy we have:

ALSO READ: Reminders for people who take things personally: Therapist shares tips

Things that don’t matter: In order to protect our energy, we need to prioritise the things that deserve our attention. The rest of the things should be stopped.

Scrolling: Sometimes we scroll social media for so long that it starts to eat up our sleeping time. We should get sufficient sleep instead.

Convincing: Often we convince people to stay and get drained emotionally when they leave. We should try to make ourselves understand to let go of people sometimes.

Pretending: Trying to be someone that we are not can take a lot of our energy. Instead, we must embrace ourselves in all honesty.

Proving worth: One of the most draining things to do is to try to prove our worth to others. Instead, we should let our actions and words do the talking.

Arguments: We often end up having arguments with people who do not intend to understand us. In such cases, we must press pause to the arguments and move on.

Making people like us: No matter what we do, there will always be people not liking us. It is not our job to make everyone like us. We must understand this and stop wasting our energy convincing people to like us.

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