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Ways to nurture love in relationship: Therapist suggests


Relationships are meant to be full of love, understanding, care and affection. In the long-term, while love takes the backseat, it is the understanding of each other which takes us far ahead. However, with time, it is important to nurture love in the relationship and make each other feel special. Addressing this, Marriage and Family Therapist Emily H Sanders wrote, “Feelings of love come easily at the start of a relationship; patience, attention, and effort are at an all-time high during the infatuation period. As time goes on and infatuation wanes, we make the shift from “being in love” to loving someone- and love is something that must be nurtured. Here are a few simple reminders of how to foster and sustain the love in your relationship.” She further noted down a few ways of nurturing love in relationship:

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Needs: Checking to see what are the needs and expectations that the partner is having and abiding by the same, as much as possible, can make them feel a lot special in the relationship.

Respect: Showing respect in any kind of relationship never goes out of fashion. Especially in tense moments, when we tend to speak rudely, we should calm down and maintain the respect we have for each other. This will take the relationship far ahead.

Generosity: Being generous, using kind words, and being mindful of the emotions of the partner helps in maintaining love and affection towards each other.

Mistakes: Mistakes are always two-sided. Even though not intentional, we never know which action or words of ours can harm our partner. Be should take responsibility of the mistakes and try in correcting them.

Champion: Being the biggest cheerleader for the partners, celebrate their successes and being the wind beneath their wings will help the partner achieve heights.

Feedback: We should always be open to receiving and implementing the feedback we receive about ourselves from our partners.

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