Ways to limit sibling rivalry: Therapist shares tips

When we are parent to more than one child, it is important to foster and encourage positive sibling relationships to keep rivalry off the charts. Parenting can get tricky with time. Children can start to grow jealousy or resentment for their other sibling when we give attention to one child more than the other. However, as parents, we must remember to keep rivalry away as much as possible and do our bit in initiating good sibling relationships through love, care and equal attention to the children. Addressing this, Psychologist Jazmine McCoy shared a few tips on how to keep sibling rivalry away from children to ensure that they have a healthy childhood and great memories to remember their early years by.

Home dynamics that strain sibling relationships(Unsplash)

ALSO READ: Sibling love, and rivalry, in the arts

Schedule time: Being parents and being equally attentive to both the children can be trickier than it sounds. Hence, we must schedule and divide time to have one-on-one interactions with each child and spend time with them.

Talk positive: We should always talk positively about one child to another and help them understand each other and connect with their siblings on a deeper level.

Forcing: We should, at all times, avoid forcing them to share things. Instead, we can take turns and encourage them to do things individually.

Notice: It is important to keep an eye on them and notice the small things that they do with each other, like sharing things and being nice to each other. In such cases, we must bring that up and praise them for their behavior. This will encourage them further to share a positive relationship.

Explain: To the older child, it is important to explain why the baby toddler is behaving in a certain way and what he /she is trying to address through his/her actions.

Comparison: it is important to never compare them with each other. This will further lead to jealousy and selfishness and a sense of resentment.

Space: it is important to teach them the idea of space and boundaries from an early age.

Conflicts: in case of conflicts between the siblings, it is important to teach them how to solve things, than jumping in to control it.

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