WA couple stranded in Sydney while grieving daughter’s death granted last-minute exemption

A Western Australian couple who were stranded in Sydney following their daughter’s death have been granted a last-minute reprieve to return home.

Speaking to 6PR radio, Alain and Gillian D’Argent said he and his wife rushed to Sydney after his daughter Robin took her own life on December 1.

Robin had previously been professionally diagnosed with PTSD and depression and had been denied entry to WA to be with her parents in October and November of 2020.

Alain and Gillian D’Argent have been stranded in Sydney while mourning the loss of their youngest child Robin. (Nine)

The parents were required in Sydney to oversee a number of matters relating to Robin’s death, including clearing out her apartment and dealing with the police and the coroner’s court.

However due to Western Australia reclassifying NSW as “extreme risk”, Mr and Mrs D’Argent had been unable to return home with their daughter’s remains.

“We have been denied entry back to our home due to the border being close on December 18, which would have been impossible to get a flight back, as we only received her ashes and her death certificate on December 16, to allow us to transport her ashes with us back to Perth,” Alain told 6PR earlier.

Mr D’Argent said they aren’t holidaymakers but mourning parents who wish to take their daughter’s ashes home. (Nine)

“It’s not like we’ve come to Sydney for a holiday, we have come to deal with our daughter’s death, which is traumatic enough, and we can’t even get home and try to start a life with the knowledge that our daughter’s no more with us.”

Following media enquiries, the D’Argents were granted a last-minute exemption on Monday night to finally return to WA.

They will now be required to complete 14 days in managed isolation in a hotel.

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