In a shocking incident that took place in Uttar Pradesh, a youth was caught on camera stealing jeans pants in Meerut. A video of the CCTV footage has now gone viral on social media. In the 57-second video clip, the youth is seen shopping when all of a sudden he removes a jeans and quickly slides it into his bag. As per reports, the incident took place in Kithore town under the Kithore police station area limits. Uttar Pradesh Government Frames SOPs for Dignified Cremation, Bans Placing Bodies on Road.
Watch the Viral Video Here:
मेरठ- जींस की पैंट चोरी करते युवक कैमरे में कैद,दिनदहाड़े युवक ने गारमेंट्स से पैंट की चोरी,पैंट की खरीदारी करने पहुंचा था युवक,दुकान में लगे कैमरे में कैद हुई घटना,थाना किठौर के कस्बा किठौर की घटना।#Meerut
— भारत समाचार | Bharat Samachar (@bstvlive) December 6, 2022
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