From Sharad Kelkar to Hiten Tejwani, several members from the Indian film and television industry came to attend the last rites of actor Vikas Sethi on Monday. Vikas, who acted in projects such as Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham and Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi, passed away on Sunday. The news of his demise was shared by his wife Janhvi Sethi on her social media account. “With immense sorrow, we inform you about the passing of our beloved Vikas Sethi, who left us all on the 8th of September 2024. The final rites will be carried out according to Hindu traditions on 9th September. Your presence, prayers and support, in this trying time would be deeply appreciated. Regards, Sethi Family,” she wrote in a post on Instagram. Vikas Sethi Funeral Today: Actor’s Wife Jhanvi Sethi Shares Heartbreaking Details of His Final Moments, Reveals ‘He Was Sick but Didn’t Want To Go to Hospital’.
Shabir Ahluwalia and Dipak Tijori also attended the funeral of Vikas. Hours after his demise, Vikas’ last Instagram post with his mother went viral on social media. Vikas’ final Instagram post dates back 17 weeks to May 12.
On the occasion of Mother’s Day, he had posted a picture with his mother.
Vikas Sethi Funeral
Deepak Tijori, Sharad Kelkar, Hiten Tejwani, Shabir Ahluwalia and other celebs attend actor Vikas Sethi’s last rites 🙏#rip #VikasSethi #hitentejwani #ShabirAhluwalia #iwmbuzz
— IWMBuzz (@iwmbuzz) September 9, 2024
In the picture, he’s seen wearing a green kurta and white pajama, seated next to his mother. His caption stated, “HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY.. MOM LOVE YOU.” He also tagged her. He inserted the song Mumma, sung by Kailash Kher, from Sushant Shah’s 2008 dramedy Dasvidaniya.
Fans chimed in the comment section and paid heartfelt condolences. “Om shanti…rest in peace,” a netizen wrote.
“Too young to die! It breaks my heart! We still remember your roles in movies and in serials,” another fan wrote. Vikas Sethi Dies at 48: Did You Know ‘Kasautii Zindagi Kay’ Actor Had Once Replaced John Abraham in Karan Johar’s ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’?.
Vikas is survived by his wife and their twins. He was in his 40s. He was also a part of the shows Kahiin Toh Hoga, Kyun Hota Hai Pyarr and Kasautii Zindagi Kay.