On Thursday, the twitter handle of the Congress party shared a heartwarming video where Congress leader Rahul Gandhi can be seen talking and playing with a small boy. In the video, Rahul Gandhi can be seen interacting with a karate kid during the Bharat Jodo Yatra in Hyderabad. In the 23-second video, Rahul Gandhi can be seen supervising the punches of the kid, who seems to be learning karate. In the video, Gandhi can also be seen correcting the kid’s techniques and guiding him. Well Played Team India! Rahul Gandhi Shares a Spirited Video From Bharat Jodo Yatra To Celebrate India’s Win Over Bangladesh in T20 Cricket World Cup 2022.
Rahul Gandhi Teaches Kid During Bharat Jodo Yatra
टेक्निक गलत हो तो देश तबाही के रास्ते पर चला जाता है, ये तो बच्चों के भविष्य का सवाल ठहरा।
एक बच्चे को सही टेक्निक बताते @RahulGandhi जी…#BharatJodoYatra pic.twitter.com/YTsyXP7T7J
— Congress (@INCIndia) November 3, 2022
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