Actor Varun Dhawan, on Wednesday, shared an adorable picture with his cute pet dog Joey. Taking to Instagram Varun shared the picture which he captioned, “Afternoons cuddles.” In the picture, the Bhediya actor could be seen lying on his bid shirtless next to his dog while Joey kept his paw on his face. They could be seen enjoying their afternoon nap on the bed. Soon after the actor shared the cute picture, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. “awwww soo cutee,” a user commented. Varun Dhawan Becomes a Chef, Makes Halwa on Mahashivratri.
Varun Dhawan and Joey
Another user wrote, “awwww! This is sooo cuteeeeee!” “Two cuties in one frame,” a user wrote. Varun frequently drops cute pictures and videos of his pet dog. Meanwhile, Varun and Natasha Dalal got married on January 24, 2021, after dating for several years. It was an intimate ceremony with only family members and close friends in attendance Varun and Natasha, a fashion designer, have known each other since sixth grade. 5 Shirtless Pictures of ‘Bhediya’ Actor Varun Dhawan That Are a Must-See!
However, the duo fell head-over-heels in love with each other after a couple of years. Meanwhile, on the work front, Varun will be seen headlining the Indian version of Citadel, which is being created by Raj and DK. He will be seen sharing screen space with Janhvi Kapoor in Bawaal ,which is helmed by Nitesh Tiwari.