A shocking video come into the limelight from Uttar Pradesh’s Mainpuri, where a girl gang was caught beating a teen. However, the reason behind their assault on the victim is not known yet, but the video of is the offense is going viral on all social media platforms. The victim’s father registered the complaint about the same at the police station. In the viral video, a girl in a black jacket can be seen hiting, slapping, and grabbing her face. As the clip moves ahead, some girls form a gang around the victim and assault her one by one. The video also shows the victim holding her ears, asking for mercy, but the offenders kept on showering slaps on her. Delhi-Like Hit-and-Drag Incident in Uttar Pradesh, Car Hits and Drag Student for One Kilometre in Hardoi; Terrifying Video Goes Viral .
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मैनपुरी में गैंग बना कर लड़की को पीट रही है ये, देखिये वायरल हो रही वीडियो। पीड़िता के पिता ने पुलिस को दी तहरीर,शहर कोतवाली के अंतर्गत मोहल्ला गाड़ीवान की घटना pic.twitter.com/DMl2FtalAI
— Priya singh (@priyarajputlive) January 20, 2023
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