Pune City Police’s Crime Branch has arrested two persons, Ajuharuddin Shaikh (24) and Santosh Suresh Devkar (32), for allegedly demanding extortion money of Rs 50 lakh from a businessman.
Police said the complainant, who owns a construction company, received a phone call on June 16 from a person who threatened to kill the businessman and his family unless he paid them Rs 50 lakh.
After the businessman approached the police for help, they asked him to maintain contact with the extortionist. As per police instructions, he called the accused to Aundh. While the accused, identified as Shaikh, was taking the money from him, he was arrested by a police team.
Shaikh told the police that he demanded extortion money from the businessman as per the instructions of his aide Suresh Devkar, who used to work as a driver for the businessman.
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Devkar quit his job in 2016 and later decided to extort money from the businessman through Shaikh to repay a loan, said police. He has also been arrested.