Twitter New Feature: Twitter May Soon Allow You to Pay Tips For Great Tweets

New Delhi, April 24: Twitter could soon offer a tipping button on user profiles, where people can pay users who have a substantial followers for their great tweets.

App researcher Jane Manchun Wong has discovered that Twitter is exploring features like tipping to give people a way to pay other Twitter users.

The researcher has shared images, showing that Twitter could offer a tipping button on user profiles. Will the Twitter ‘Super Follow’ and ‘Tip’ Button Look Like This? User Shares Screen Shots of Upcoming Features.

“Twitter is working on Tip Jar right on the user profile,” she said in a tweet on Friday.

One clicked, the button shows options to let you tip via Bandcamp, Cash App (by Square, a Jack Dorsey company), Patreon, PayPal, and Venmo.

Wong in March tweeted that Twitter is working on a “Tip Jar” feature for Spaces, its Clubhouse-like social audio room.

Twitter has not formally announced the tipping feature.

In February, the social media went berserk over a controversial new Twitter feature called “Super Follower” that will let famous personalities and celebrities on the platform monetise their tweets by charging their followers and, in turn, will help the micro-blogging platform grow its revenue.

The phrase “RIP Twitter” was trending all over and people said that the micro-blogging platform must push for an ‘edit’ button, not a feature that will hurt common users the most.

During its Analysts Day virtual event, Twitter showed a slide that read: “We’re rethinking incentives and exploring solutions to provide monetary incentive models for Creators and Publishers to be directly supported by their audience”.

The “Super Follower” tool will only be beneficial for those who have a sizable chunk of followers.

Dorsey has said that the company aims to more than double its total annual revenue to over $7.5 billion in 2023 with at least 315 million mDAU (monetisable daily active users).

(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Apr 24, 2021 10:35 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

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