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Twitter Faceoff: Debate rages as India abstains from voting on UN’s Myanmar resolution | India News

NEW DELHI. India joined China and Russia in abstaining from a vote on a UN General Assembly resolution seeking to delegitimise the Myanmar military junta and to prevent flow of arms into the country.
Justifying its decision to abstain, the government said the resolution, which was adopted with 119 votes in favour, was introduced hastily and without enough consultations with Myanmar’s neighbours and regional countries.

The UNGA adopted a resolution on Myanmar on Friday that called “upon the Myanmar armed forces to respect the people’s will as freely expressed by results of the general election of November 8, 2020, to end the state of emergency, to respect all human rights of people of Myanmar and to allow the sustained democratic transition of Myanmar, including the opening of the democratically elected parliament, and by working towards bringing all national institutions, including the armed forces, under a fully inclusive civilian government that is representative of the people’s will”.

Twitter remained divided over India’s stance at UNGA. Many appreciated the position taken by India, while others claimed it showed lack of democratic conscience by Modi government.

‘Have we lost our discretionary powers?’

‘India values sovereignty’

‘India backing human rights violations’

‘India fears west-backed arms embargo’

‘Better to indulge in backdoor diplomacy and sort out the Myanmar crisis’

‘India should work towards a peaceful and democratic Myanmar’

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