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Twitter discussion erupts after condoms, contraceptives found in students’ bag | Bengaluru


A discussion broke out on Twitter this week after authorities at various schools across Bengaluru found condoms, cigarettes, contraceptives and alcohol in the bags of Class 9 and 10 students – aged between 14 and 16. The students were sent to counselling sessions.

People were divided in their opinions. Some supported the students and said it was good they were aware of contraceptives and safe sex. Others said children need to be given adequate sex education and have their activities supervised till they are 18 years old.

READ | Bengaluru schools find condoms, contraceptive pills, cigarettes in students’ bag

One Twitter user appeared to kickstart the discussion, writing, “Yesterday, in many schools across Bangalore, school authorities found condoms, contraceptive pills, etc. in school bags (while checking if they carried phones) belonging to Class 9 and 10 students. What is your thought on this, Bengaluru?”

“What I feel missing is an age-appropriate sex education system. The current times are different from how we grew. Exposure and access to anything is quite easy. Let us deal with it the right way and educate our children accordingly. That way they know what is right and wrong,” one person replied.

Another said parents and schools had to teach children ‘good habits’ and ‘moral values’.

Some blamed the internet and technology available at childrens’ disposal. “Thanks to easy access to such materials over the counter and also easy access to internet,” a tweet said.

Several seemed to disagree, though, and said the presence of condoms suggested safe sex is being practiced. “Hot take: I’m glad they’re using protection. Better than doing things irresponsibly. There’s no stopping this possible by any form of policing.”

“Well, how is it sad to find condoms and contraceptives in their bags? It’s good they are using it and are aware of safety n precautions! Yes alcohol n cigarettes, drugs bad for health n society that sud be addressed,” Dr Kavitha Reddy, a Congress worker, tweeted.

“This response to a wokeтАж we are not producing kids to let them free from birth, we have legal and moral responsibility to not allow them to do drugs, get involved in sex till they can legally give consentтАж makes finding condoms cigarettes unacceptable,” someone responded.

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