Top Canadian Business Coach, Carol Davies, is Transforming Businesses Through Mindset Shifts

Carol Davies, the Passion Motivator, is a popular author, speaker, and business mindset strategist. Located in London Canada she is the founder and CEO of The Passion Motivator Coaching. She helps busy, stressed entrepreneurs discover what is their true passion and purpose, what’s not working in their lives, and where they really want to be in life. With a proven track record, Carol is recognized amongst the Top 1% of all business and mindset coaches throughout Canada.

Self-care is paramount. Her clients find out what excites and motivates them to change their negative mindset with her notable SPIRAL (Success Program Investing in Revitalized Achievement in your Life) program. Together with Carol, they design a personalized roadmap that helps them to make positive changes with joy and ease.

Carol is a certified Passion Test facilitator. She uses this tool to help you find your passions and life purpose.

During a successful 22-year career in the United Nations in New York and Geneva, Carol learned firsthand how to successfully manage her life and work in different countries and cultures. She knows that it’s a person’s mindset that contributes to a balanced happy life. In 2007, after leaving the United Nations, Carol became a certified success and business mindset coach. She founded her own coaching business to handle the demand from people wanting her help in life/career transitions, stress management, and designing the life of their dreams. She sets her clients up for success and a winning attitude in life.

If your mindset isn’t right your life doesn’t work. It’s paramount to find your passion, what is important to you. Carol believes your outlook is your greatest strength. Your mindset guides and changes your life. Having a growth mindset is hugely important, making sure you are going positively forward every day in a positive upward spiral. You oversee your own future. Carol’s favorite mottos are “Just DO it!” and “Live your best life now!”

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