24 x 7 World News

Tips and inspiration for women to build their confidence and overcome self-doubt


Over centuries, women in Indian society have seeked validation from men on everything, even how she feels and what she thinks but in such circumstances, low-self esteem and insecurities amongst women are inevitably seen. Leading a life based on your own thoughts, beliefs and values is as important for women as it is for men.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Ananya Agarwal, Founder and CEO of Nyumi, shared, “Everyone has flaws and insecurities yet you’re doing a disservice to yourself by focusing on improving your weaknesses, rather than spending that same time building out your strengths. It’s better to excel in one area that really sets you apart, rather than round out rough edges. Find your passion and strengths, and then just double down on super powering those with all your energy. You will grow faster, feel more confident and become more productive focusing on an area where you shine.”

Ayushi Gudwani, Founder and CEO at FS Life, suggested, “To come out of uncertainties and self-doubt, it is important for women to cultivate confidence in themselves. Confidence brings in a sense of increased self-worth, that allows you to stand for yourself, that makes you an inspiration for others. As easy as it may sound, building self-confidence and embracing the power of being a woman requires persistent effort.”

She recommended few quick tips that can help in uplifting your confidence –

● Always aim to be the most knowledgeable person in your field. When you know things in depth, people will come back to you for guidance and not with complaints or suggestions. It is paramount for women to invest in their career progression and stay relevant with the industry. Understand that upskilling and reskilling also include getting out of your comfort zone, researching in depth and spending considerable time on self-reflection. In the end no one can take away your knowledge and skills from you.

● Surround yourself with people who accept you the way you are. One thing you should never compromise on is self-respect. Understand that people respect people who respect themselves and value their own needs and wants. If you surround yourself with people who undermine you at all times, self doubt will only increase.

● Have strong role models. They say, seeing is believing; seeing your role models do extraordinary things in their lives helps widen your horizons of thinking and encourages you to do bigger things. No matter how hard people try to pull you down, one right role model can help you push yourself beyond limits. Having an inspiring role model who can act as your mentor makes you more confident about yourself, reinforces the will to grow and achieve greater heights.

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