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Things to do for self-validation: Therapist shares tips


The journey of self-resilience and self-love starts with learning to accept ourselves the way we are. Self-love is one of the most important things that we need to learn gradually and implement it in order to find our peace. Learning to love ourselves and put ourselves first as our priority also means learning to let go of a lot of toxicity that surrounds us in life. Addressing this, Psychotherapist Emily H Sanders wrote, “Self-validation is so important for many reasons (including esteem and confidence) and it’s a skill many of us are still working on. This may be especially if you did not have caregivers that were emotionally present to attune to your feelings/needs and validate them.”

ALSO READ: Ways to build self-trust: Therapist shares tips

“Here are a few small things you can do to strengthen this emotional muscle,” Emily added as she shared four things that we must learn to do in order to self-validate ourselves:

Feelings: We should learn to view our feelings as neutral. Judging our own feelings as good or bad makes us become toxic to ourselves. In between, we forget to address the emotions and the feelings that we are having. Once we learn to treat the feelings as neutral, we learn to give ourselves the validation that we need.

Comparison: comparing the way we feel with the way that other’s feel is a toxic trait that makes most of us miserable. Learning to embrace ourselves and our individualities are one of the first steps of self-love and self-validation.

Need: We should learn to ask ourselves what we need. Once we get clarity on t, we will be able to deal with situations better, keeping in mind the things that we need and want.

People: The people that surrounds us and the company we keep impact us in huge ways. Learning to find safe people, to whom we can open up and be vulnerable is important. This is important in order to create a safe and healthy space for ourselves and our emotions to grow, without feeling judged or suppressed.

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