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These cameras aren’t revenue-raising but could lead to faster online shopping

Online shopping for New South Wales residents could be delivered even faster and road congestion reduced under a trial of world-first technology.

It might be yet another camera on the state’s roads but it isn’t a revenue-raising device – it’s tracking trucks.

The cameras use artificial intelligence and infrared technology to record the size and type of trucks driving on the state’s roads as well as what they’re carrying in real-time.

New cameras in NSW track trucks for faster freight delivery times.
New cameras on NSW roads monitor the size, type and what’s inside trucks. (9News)

“It’s not about compliance or enforcement, it’s all about data collection,” regional transport and roads minister Sam Farraway said.

“We can share this data with the freight sector, with our freight companies, so they can pick the best times to find efficiency.”

Eighteen trial cameras are already gathering data at Port Botany, Moorebank, Newcastle and Gundagai, with 58 more to be rolled out across the state.

The cameras are a bid to make trucks take more efficient routes at more efficient times, leading to less stress on roads and quicker delivery times.

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New cameras in NSW track trucks for faster freight delivery times.
The cameras even boast infrared technology. (9News)

Not only could your online shopping be delivered faster but freight costs may even become cheaper as a result of the trial.

“If we get this right, we will make freight cheaper, which can be passed on to our consumers,” Farraway said.

One of the key factors contributing to higher costs of essential items at the supermarket like the humble lettuce is the transport costs.

New cameras in NSW track trucks for faster freight delivery times.
The data collected by the cameras could lead to cheaper freight and therefore cheaper essential items. (9News)

But moving produce from paddock to shelf faster could mean lowering the cost for customers at the cash register.

“It’s also going to go such a long way in assisting government to plan the infrastructure that we need for our trucks into the future,” Farraway said.

Freight costs inject $66 billion into the NSW economy while it is forecast to grow by 56 per cent in greater Sydney and 34 per cent in regional NSW over the next 40 years.

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