Bollywood actor Varun Dhawan and his Bhediya co-actor Abhishek Banerjee recalled how they used to mimic Akshay Kumar during the shoot of their film and try to follow his comic timing for perfection in their performance. IFFI Goa: Varun Dhawan-Kriti Sanon’s Bhediya To Be Screened for the Festival’s 53rd Edition!
Varun shared: “I remember, during the first schedule of Bhediya, we were shooting in Mira Road and it was my first scene with Abhishek. And, Kriti would come from Bachchhan Paandey‘s shoot, and seeing her, we would start acting in Akshay Kumar Ji’s style in every scene. Kriti would actually start and later on, we would jump into it.”
Known for his action roles, Khiladi Kumar is also popular for his comic characters in movies such as Bachchhan Paandey, Housefull, Welcome, Khatta Meetha among others. Ahead of the Release of the #VarunDhawan and #KritiSanon-starrer Movie ‘#Bhediya’.
Abhishek added: “Akshay sir’s comedy timing is the best. Whenever we are confused about the approach to a scene, we would start talking or acting like him. When his energy gets into you, your performance gets better automatically.”
Varun also went on to praise the host of the show, Kapil Sharma for his contribution to comedy and for making the genre popular among the audience.” There was a stigma around comedy as a genre but Kapil has broken that stigma. In our country, people assume that the ones who are dumb do comedy whereas, in reality, people who do comedy are intelligent and wittiest of all,” said Varun, who is appearing on The Kapil Sharma Show for the promotion of his upcoming film Bhediya along with Kriti Sanon, Abhishek Banerjee, Deepak Dobriyal, and director Amar Kaushik. The Kapil Sharma Show airs on Sony Entertainment Television.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Nov 20, 2022 12:55 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website