Actress Priyanka Chopra recently shared how she deals with people who “give off bad vibes.” On Tuesday (December 31, 2024), the Desi Girl took to her Instagram stories and reshared a post from empirewellbabe about handling individuals with negative energy. In the video, a girl is seen using a spray, with the text on the clip reading, “Me to the people who give off bad energy/vibes. Priyanka also reposted a humorous video showing a monkey sitting in the water, with the text, “Me waiting around for me to be late so I can start rushing.” Priyanka Chopra Shares Christmas Moments From LA Home, Keeps Daughter Malti Marie’s Face Hidden With Emoji (See Pics).
Priyanka Chopra Deals With Negativity Like This
(Photo Credits: Instagram)
The Baywatch actress also gave a glimpse into her Christmas celebrations with family and close friends. She captioned the post, “It was so wonderful being home this Christmas. May we all always be surrounded by love and loved ones. Merry Christmas to all who celebrated this beautiful holiday.” ‘Get Your Man Under Control’: Priyanka Chopra’s Fans React to Nick Jonas’ Controversial Tweet to Elon Musk Amid Backlash.
Priyanka Chopra’s Christmas Photo Dump
The first photo featured Priyanka, Nick, and their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas sitting outdoors, all dressed in coordinated red and white outfits. Priyanka added a white heart emoji over Malti’s face. Another picture showed Malti climbing the stairs with a girl, while another captured her admiring the gifts at home. Priyanka also posted a selfie holding a glass that read “Cool Aunty Club.” Additionally, there was a photo of Priyanka, Nick, and their guests gathered around pianist Geoff Aymar as he played.
Another image captured Nick lovingly tucking Malti in and kissing her while she slept. The couple also enjoyed watching Beyoncé’s performance together at home and later posed for a selfie.
On the work front, the actress has several exciting projects lined up, including Heads of State, where she stars alongside Idris Elba and John Cena. She will also portray a 19th-century Caribbean pirate in The Bluff. Additionally, Priyanka is set to return for the second season of the web series Citadel.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jan 01, 2025 12:32 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website