Filmmaker Zoya Akhtar has shared new posters of the upcoming film The Archies starring Suhana Khan, Agastya Nanda and Kushi Kapoor. The film marks the debut of Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan’s daughter Suhana, Boney Kapoor and late Sridevi’s daughter Khushi Kapoor and megastar Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson Agastya.The film also stars Aditi Saigal, Vedang Raina and Mihir Ahuja. Taking to Instagram on Wednesday, Zoya treated fans with new posters. Introducing Suhana as Veronica, Zoya wrote, “Few things impress Veronica like herself.” As soon as the poster was shared, fans and industry members chimed in the comment section. Karan Johar wrote, “Suhana you beauty.” Shweta Bachchan dropped “Love Love Love Veronica”. She introduced Kushi as Betty Cooper poster saying, “Love has four letters and so does cake. Betty Cooper is all for both”. On Kushi’s poster, her sister and actor Janhvi Kapoor reacted with several heart-eye emojis. Karan Johar commented, “Can’t wait!!!![?][?][?][?][?] so pretty.” Look at other interesting character posters. The Archies: Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda’s Picture Perfect Postcard Melts Hearts!.
The Archies, a coming-of-age musical, follows the lives of Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Reggie, Ethel and Dilton who will take audiences to the fictional hilly town of Riverdale. The film explores friendship, freedom love, heartbreak and rebellion. The Indian adaptation of the beloved comics will see Dot play Ethel Muggs, Agastya Nanda as the charming and talented Archie Andrews, Khushi Kapoor take on the role of Betty Cooper, Mihir Ahuja as the always hungry Jughead Jones, Veronica Lodge portrayed by Suhana Khan, Heartthrob Reggie Mantle will be showcased by Vedang Raina and Yuvraj Menda will play Dilton Doiley. Zoya recently unveiled the film’s teaser revealing that the film is set in 1964 in Riverdale, described on a railway sign as a “hill station,” a term dating back to colonial times that refers to a town located at a higher elevation than the nearby plain. The Archies: New Poster Shows Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Agastya Nanda and Others in Their Riverdale Glory! (View Pic).
View Zoya Akhtar’s Post:
One of the transport links servicing the hill stations are small mountain railway trains running on narrow gauge tracks, known affectionately as “toy trains”, and the teaser opens with a shot of the top train puffing into Riverdale station. The Archies gang play music and dance at parties and classrooms while also enjoying their time outdoors. The Archies is all set to release on the OTT platform Netflix on December 7.