The ABM Conversations Podcast: The Vision To Become the Ultimate Repository of B2B Marketing Content, With Yaagneshwaran Ganesh

The ABM Conversations Podcast: The Vision To Become the Ultimate Repository of B2B Marketing Content, With Yaagneshwaran Ganesh

Anyone who wants to get real about B2B marketing, beyond the usual fluff you come across the internet – The ABM Conversations Podcast is your source. It is a podcast for B2B marketers wanting to explore strategies, tactics, and real experiments to drive revenue, customer engagement, retention, and increase your customer lifetime value.

Each episode deconstructs marketing tactics and strategies used by world-class performers from diverse sub-domains such as content, strategy, online advertising, knowledge panels, product marketing, and more.

The ABM Conversations Podcast is among the top 1.5% global podcasts. It features some of the hegemons in marketing, such as Guy Kawasaki, Rand Fishkin, Jason Barnard, Jon Miller, Stephanie Cox, and several other change-makers of the business world.

It is revolutionary because it is a no-nonsense podcast that digs deep into the real experiments conducted by marketing practitioners and throws light on the tools, tactics, and tricks that listeners can use.

The podcast is hosted by the award-winning marketer Yaagneshwaran Ganesh (aka Yaag), the Director of Marketing at Avoma, who is also the author of several marketing books, ‘Syncfluence’ and ‘The Revenue Marketing Book.’

Yaag, with his humble yet straightforward approach, tends to ask pointed questions to his guests. The duration of each episode is between 45 minutes to 1 hour, on average. Yaag believes in diligent homework for each episode and loves getting to the point quickly without having to beat around the bush. And that approach is really appreciated by the listeners of the podcast. They go on to make posts and wear the podcast merchandise with pride.

Talking to Yaag about the podcast, he says, “The way we do our podcast is we don’t spend a lot of time building up the topic. We actually get into the specifics and ask deeper questions. And that needs a lot of homework and preparation. For example, when I get someone like Guy Kawasaki on the show, I need to realize that he has given me his time. Unless I ask him the right questions – I’m not doing justice to him as a guest, nor to my listeners.”

One of the highly appreciable factors is that most of The ABM Conversations Podcast guests come inbound. Speaking on which, Yaagneshwaran Ganesh says, “Our very first guest was James Spurway, a renowned Venture Capitalist from Singapore. For someone like him, who has more than 40 years of experience with ventures across the world, to come to me and say – ‘Yaag, I’ll be your lab rat’ is absolutely humbling.”

The show has 140 5-star ratings on Apple Podcasts, with over 70 episodes, thus becoming a testimony to its loyal listener base.

The host Yaagneshwaran Ganesh is also a writer par excellence who loves sharing his nuggets of marketing wisdom in shorter and consumable formats through his personal blog ( and LinkedIn posts.

The ABM Conversations Podcast is topping the charts and obviously for the right reasons.

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