Tesla Model S Car Couldn’t Charge in Cold, Video of Owner Being Stranded on Christmas Goes Viral in US

San Francisco, December 27: The video of a Tesla owner went viral after he couldn’t get his Model S to charge at a Supercharger station in the cold.

According to Electrek, Domenick Nati, a radio host in the US, was trying to charge his Tesla Model S ahead of his holiday travel, but he was having some issues. The temperature was reportedly 19AoF (-7AoC) at the time.  Tesla Offers Bigger Than Ever Updates on Christmas 2022: Find Out All About These 9 New Features Here.

Nati claims to have attempted to charge at home without success, and then at a nearby Supercharger station, where he posted this viral TikTok video, according to the report. “Tesla S will not charge in the cold. Stranded on Christmas Eve!,” the TikTok video caption reads.

When connected to the Supercharger, the car displayed a message indicating that it was warming up the battery pack in preparation for charging, but it never started charging — even after an hour. Tesla Model 3 Prototype With Camouflage Spotted Ahead of Expected Redesign.

Nati claims he contacted Tesla about the problem, but received no response, the report said. Meanwhile, Tesla had launched its own Wireless Charging Platform, a wireless charger that can charge up to three Qi devices at one time.

“Inspired by the angular design and metallic styling of Cybertruck, our Wireless Charging Platform provides 15W of fast charging power per device for up to three devices simultaneously,” Tesla was quoted as saying.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 27, 2022 04:43 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website todaynews24.top).

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