The operations at Bengaluru airport’s terminal 2 are all set to begin on Sunday and the first ever flight from this latest terminal will take off to Karnataka’s Kalaburagi. After almost two months of official inauguration, the operations at these terminals will begin and domestic flights to all destinations will soon take off from terminal 2.
Here are 5 things you need to know about the latest terminal.
1. The latest terminal made headlines when it was inaugurated by PM Modi in November as the new terminal is built based on a theme that showcases the ethos of Bengaluru as the garden city of India.
2. The latest terminal will have 22 entry and exit gates and nine baggage claim belts in it. By the end of March, most of Bengaluru airport’s domestic operations are set to take place from this new terminal.
3. This is also the first airport terminal in the world to give a metaverse experience to the flyers with ‘BLR metaport’ which was already launched. Flyers can virtually navigate through the terminal by logging The 3D interface can help passengers to check into flights, navigating terminals, shopping, and social aspects like connecting with other travelers.
4. The estimated cost of constructing the first phase of terminal 2 is reportedly ₹13,000 crore, and it will have a built-up area of roughly 2.5 lakh square metres.
5. The first phase of the new terminal is expected to serve 25 million passengers a year. Another 4.41 lakh square metres will be added to the terminal during the second phase.