Ted Nugent Tests Positive For COVID-19 After Previously Calling The Pandemic A ‘Hoax’

By Rachel West.

On Monday, musician Ted Nugent revealed he has tested positive for COVID-19 after previously declaring the pandemic was “a hoax.”

During a Facebook Live broadcast, the 72-year-old politically conservative rocker announced his diagnosis, stating, “I have had flu symptoms for the last 10 days and I thought I was dying.”

“Just a clusterf***,” he says of his symptoms including “stuffed-up head” and “body aches.” “I got the Chinese s***,” he adds.

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“My God, what a pain in the a**. I literally can hardly crawl out of bed the last few days. But I did, I crawled,” Nugent continues.

In December, Nugent called the global pandemic “scammy” and has previously stated that people who wear masks are “sheep.” Nugent, a staunch Donald Trump supporter who has performed at Republican rallies, once again dismissed the severity of COVID-19, calling the current global health crisis “not a real pandemic,” and quipping, “Why weren’t we shut down for COVID one-through-18?” though the virus’s name is derived from the year it was initially reported and not named sequentially.

While Nugent is still quarantining, he reiterated his anti-vaccine stance, claiming “nobody knows what’s in it.”

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“If you can’t even honestly answer our questions of exactly what’s in it and why are you testing it on human beings and forcing it on people in such a short period of time?” he asked during Facebook Live, despite regulatory approvals and testing of the various vaccines, which have deemed them both safe and effective.

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