The state of Tamil Nadu continues to remain battered due to floods following heavy downpours in the state. Amid all of this, heartwarming news has come from the state where a woman identified as Anushiya Mayil delivered a baby at the Government Rajaji Hospital. The pregnant woman was airlifted from flood-hit Srivaikuntam in Thoothukudi on Tuesday, December 19. As per news agency ANI, Anushiya Mayil was airlifted by a rescue team of the Indian Air Force (IAF) following an SOS message sent out by the family. Later, she was brought to Madurai and admitted to the GRH maternity ward. Tamil Nadu Rains: Car With Three Passengers Rescued by Indian Army in Flood-Affected Thoothukudi District, Video Surfaces.
Woman Delivers Baby in Government Rajaji Hospital
Tamil Nadu | A pregnant woman, Anushiya Mayil, who was airlifted from flood-hit Srivaikuntam in Thoothukudi delivered a baby at the Government Rajaji Hospital last morning.
She was airlifted by a rescue team of the Indian Air Force (IAF) following an SOS message sent out by the…
— ANI (@ANI) December 21, 2023
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