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Tracking severe malaria disease | Science

Female Anopheles mosquitoes transmit malaria sporozoites to humans in the context of a blood meal. In malaria-endemic areas, most of the ensuing infections are asymptomatic. Some, however, progress to an uncomplicated illness (fever,…

Phenotyping Alzheimer’s disease with blood tests

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is characterized by brain protein aggregates of amyloid-β (Aβ) and phosphorylated tau (pTau) that become plaques and tangles, and dystrophic neurites surrounding the plaques, which are accompanied by downstream…

Treatments for Alzheimer’s disease emerge

Few of life's experiences evoke greater apprehension than a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Virtually unknown to the public until the 1980s, it is alone among the 10 most common fatal diseases of developed nations in lacking a…

Using viral load to model disease dynamics

Assays for detecting pathogens are used primarily to diagnose infections. Epidemiologists accumulate results from these tests in time series of case reports to conduct disease surveillance, a cornerstone of public health. During the…

Gene editor injected into the body treats disease

SummaryThe gene editor CRISPR excels at fixing disease mutations in lab-grown cells. But using CRISPR to treat most people with genetic disorders requires clearing an enormous hurdle: getting the molecular scissors into the body and having…