Mumbai:Taapsee Pannu opened up about an interesting perspective she gained from Shah Rukh Khan regarding paid reviews in the film industry. In a video that has been making waves on Reddit, the actress revealed how Shah Rukh taught her to approach the concept of paid reviews as a strategic marketing tool rather than a point of contention.
During the candid interaction, Taapsee shared, “There is another way to look at it, which I learned from Shah Rukh sir. He says, what if you see them as a marketing tool? He explained that 10-20 years ago, hoardings were used to publicize your film. You used to buy them and display your picture everywhere. So why not think of paid reviews in the same way?”
Exposing SRK subtly Who outs such information about a costar
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According to Taapsee, Shah Rukh advised her not to view those behind paid reviews as individuals but as spaces for advertisements. “He told me to stop seeing them as people. Instead, look at them as ‘hoardings’ that stars could use to market their films. It’s not personal; it’s just business,” she said.
Taapsee admitted that Shah Rukh’s perspective transformed her understanding of the issue. “I found his viewpoint very interesting. It shifted my perspective. I used to feel bad because I thought of these reviewers as people. But if I start viewing them as advertising spaces, it changes everything. Then it doesn’t hurt as much,” she explained.
Adding her signature humor, Taapsee quipped, “If I look at it this way as just another hoarding space, I might even be ready to pay for it, with GST included!”
This refreshing take on an often-debated topic highlights Shah Rukh Khan’s business acumen and his ability to find solutions to navigate the challenges of the entertainment industry.
The viral video has sparked discussions online, with fans applauding Shah Rukh’s wisdom and Taapsee’s candidness. Many agreed that the advice reflects SRK’s years of experience in the industry and his understanding of how to adapt to changing times. Taapsee and Shah Rukh Khan worked together on the hit film Dunki helmed by Rajkummar Hirani.