Senior BJP leader and Bihar’s former deputy chief minister and Sushil Kumar Modi on Tuesday lodged a police complaint in Patna, alleging that he had received a death threat through a letter from a person in West Bengal who identified himself as a Trinamool Congress leader.
Modi, currently a Rajya Sabha member, said the sender identified himself as Champa Som (Soma), a resident of Rayan in Purbi Bardhman district of West Bengal.
In a tweet, Modi said the letter was typed in English and sent through speed post at his residential address in Patna.
“In his letter, the sender identified himself as a leader of Trinamool Congress,” the BJP leader said.
“Mamata Banerjee may become the next Prime Minister of India. You are the pet dog of Narendra Modi and Amit Shah. Mamata Banerjee and Nitish Kumar Zindabad. I will kill you before August 31,” Modi said, quoting from the letter.
He said the sender also put “his” mobile number (7501620019) in this letter, which was received at the address of his private residence located in Rajendra Nagar of Patna.
Modi said he had sent the envelope, along with the letter, to Patna’s senior superintendent of police (SSP) Manavjit Singh Dhillon, requesting action.
Dhillon confirmed he received the complaint on Tuesday and said process was under way to register an FIR (first information report) with the Kadamkuan police station.
Meanwhile, when HT tracked the speed post in question (Track No-EW147909940IN), it found that the letter was registered at Burdwan head office on August 16 and was received by Uttam Kumar Singh, a security guard, at Modi’s residence in Patna on August 19, 2022.
Asked about the delay in filing the complaint, Modi said, “Letters are uncommon nowadays. It was brought to my notice today after which I filed the complaint.”