24 x 7 World News

Student suffers horrific facial burns after tray of flaming booze explodes on holiday – World News


A student has been left with second degree burns over her face and arm after a flaming drink in a restaurant turned into a fireball.

Marissa Daniel was on holiday with pals in Cancun, Mexico as they enjoyed their last night away.

But the 26-year-old was torched as she went to stop her friend being burned while waiters served the drink at their table.

Staff poured alcohol on to a flaming tray which then exploded in Marissa’s face.

She was taken to hospital where she was treated for the burns to her face, her left ear and her left arm.

Marissa also lost some of her hair after the incident last Sunday.

Woman with fire in front of her
Student Marissa Daniel has been left with second degree burns over her face

She claims staff didn’t do enough to help her and wants to take legal action against the eatery.

She said: “I went with some friends to celebrate our last night in Mexico.

“We were only at the restaurant for maybe ten minutes before things went wrong.

“I have suffered second degree burns across the entire left side of my face, left arm, left ear; even lost some of my hair.

Woman with burns on her face and arm taking a selfie
Marissa was rushed to hospital after getting burned

American Marissa added: “I just turned 26 back in December and am no longer on my mother’s insurance.

“So I currently have no health coverage to pay for all the medical expenses. I am out of work for who knows how long without pay.

“Thankfully I was able to get my semester extended at my university until mid summer so that I can still hopefully graduate by the end of this year.”

Woman jumping away from fire
Marissa’s friend has set up a Go Fund Me page to cover her medical bills

Her friend Rosalyn Tapia has set up a Go Fund Me page to cover her medical bill and has so far raised £5,000 of the £18,000 needed.

Marissa added: “The staff here reacted extremely poorly to the situation. They offered me no help or assistance, merely looked at me speechless.

“I am traumatised to say the least.”

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