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Steps to take to move past a rupture in relationship


Relationships are tricky – they involve a lot of effort, understanding, compromises, and the thought of choosing the person over everything else, every day. However, sometimes people can fall out of relationships and the emotions can start to wear out. In such cases, often people experience rupture in their relationships where they go through phases of having a communication gap between each other. This can happen due to a lot of reasons, and falling out of love is just one of them. Often misunderstandings and other things can creep inside a relationship and cause ruptures. When such ruptures start to happen very frequently in the relationship, the people involved can start to grow apart.

Steps to take to move past a rupture in relationship(Pexels)

However, moving past a rupture in the relationship and embracing the relationship back to its former form can be little difficult. Often people take time to heal themselves from the emotions faced during the phase of the rupture and find their way back into the relationship. Therapist Elizabeth Earnshaw shared a few steps that we need to take to ensure that we heal ourselves from the rupture in the relationship:

Expressing: We need to stop assuming that the other person will know what we are going through. We need to clearly communicate the emotions that we are facing and let them know about our feelings so that they can address them.

Responsibility: We need to believe that the other person has taken their share of responsibility and they will initiate a change in their approach towards the relationship. This will further help us to heal ourselves and trust them again.

Experience: We need to start believing and experiencing that we are heard by the other person. We should also believe that they can understand us and the emotions that we are feeling.

Apology: Watching them apologising or seeing their remorse can make us get through the rupture in the relationship, in a better way.

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