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Steps to become emotionally mature: Therapist shares tips


Putting ourselves first is a priority. Learning to navigate through surge in emotions through life and expressing them in healthy ways is a life hack. The art of learning to maintain a healthy emotional balance throughout is necessary to learn with age. “Emotional health is so key in how we experience life and our relationships. We can develop emotional maturity at any age with intentional practice,” read an excerpt of Psychologist Nicole LePera’s post as she noted down steps of becoming more emotionally mature. Take a look at the steps here:

Steps to become emotionally mature: Therapist shares tips(Unsplash)

ALSO READ: How to work through an emotional trigger: Therapist suggests

Boundaries: In order to make a relationship free of resentments, we must set clear boundaries and explain the same to the people that we are close to.

Pause: Before habitually reacting or responding to something, we need to practise the pause and reflect to clear our minds and understand the situation better.

Perspective: It is important to see the perspective of others to understand how they perceive the situation. This will help us to get a better understanding of their opinion as well. Conflicts help us in understanding the perspective of others, thereby clearing the cloud in relationships.

Disappointments: Disappointments are parts of life, and we must learn to deal with it, instead of brooding about them. We should learn to get over them and become better versions of ourselves.

Needs: If we have some needs, we should know how to meet them, rather than expecting others to meet it.

Emotional resources: Everyone has their bad days. When we go through days when we are not at our best emotional health, we must learn to pause and take a break. Instead of reacting in ways which we may regret later, it is better to remove ourselves from situations and recharge ourselves.

Taking it personal: We should not take things personally and understand that people sometimes behave in ways that reflect what they are going through.

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