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Statue of Queen toppled in furious protests over deaths of indigenous children – World News


Statues of Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II have been torn down in Canada amid fury at the deaths of indigenous children.

During the annual Canada Day celebrations on July 1st, a group gathered at the Manitoba legislature and pulled the statue of Queen Victoria down.

The group wore orange shirts to honour indigenous children sent to the infamous residential schools across Canada.

They covered the statue and its plinth in red handprints and left a sign that read: “We were children once. Bring them home.”

In the video, protestors can be heard chanting “No pride in genocide” before the statue of Queen Victoria is pulled down to applause.

Statues of Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II have been torn down in Canada amid fury at the deaths of indigenous children.
During the annual Canada Day celebrations on July 1st, a group gathered at the Manitoba legislature and pulled the statue of Queen Victoria down.
A statue of Queen Victoria after being toppled by protestors

The schools were first established under Queen Victoria’s reign.

A statue of Elizabeth II was then pulled over on the east side of the grounds because both royals are seen as symbolic of the country’s colonial history and the residential schools.

This comes after a mass unmarked grave of 182 human remains were found at a former residential school by the Lower Kootenay Band.

These residential schools were a government programme which saw over 150,000 indigienous children forcibly removed from their families.

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Statues of Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II have been torn down in Canada amid fury at the deaths of indigenous children.
During the annual Canada Day celebrations on July 1st, a group gathered at the Manitoba legislature and pulled the statue of Queen Victoria down.
A statue of Queen Elizabeth II was also brought down

The children were forced to attend non-indigenous schools in an attempt to assimilate the children into Canadian society.

The government assimilation scheme ran for almost a century, ending only in 1996 and in 2015 a Truth and Reconciliation committee concluded this school system amounted to ‘cultural genocide’.

Belinda Vanderbroeck was a survivor of the schools, she said, “This Queen is the one that gave our land away just like that to her merry gentleman — her fur traders.

“So I really have no place for her in my heart. I never did.

Statues of Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II have been torn down in Canada amid fury at the deaths of indigenous children.
During the annual Canada Day celebrations on July 1st, a group gathered at the Manitoba legislature and pulled the statue of Queen Victoria down.
Queen Victoria reigned when the residential school systems was introduced

“She means nothing to me except that her policies and her colonialism is what is dictating us right to this minute as you and I speak.”

The recent discoveries of the graves that led to the statues toppling, have fuelled calls from indigenous groups to not celebrate Canada Day.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, “The horrific findings of the remains of hundreds of children at the sites of former residential schools in British Columbia and Saskatchewan have rightly pressed us to reflect on our country’s historic failures, and the injustices that still exist for Indigenous peoples and many others in Canada.

“We as Canadians must be honest with ourselves about our past.”

Statues of Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II have been torn down in Canada amid fury at the deaths of indigenous children.
During the annual Canada Day celebrations on July 1st, a group gathered at the Manitoba legislature and pulled the statue of Queen Victoria down.
Red handprints covered the pedestal of a statue of Queen Victoria in memory of the indigenous children

Alongside the statues toppling, Calgary police announced that 10 churches in the city had been vandalised with orange and red paint.

One had a window smashed and handprints and the number “215” – a reference to the first unmarked graves discovered by the Tk’emlúps te Secwe̓pem in late May – suggest the vandalism is fuelled by similar anger over the graves.

Protestors in Canada have increasingly targeted historical figures complicit in the operation of the residential school systems.

Last month, protesters pulled down the statue of Egerton Ryerson in Toronto, Ryerson is seen as the architect of the residential school system.

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