24 x 7 World News

Southern Army Commander reviews dedicated Covid facility at Old Command Hospital


Southern Army Commander Lieutenant General J S Nain on Tuesday visited the Old Command Hospital complex at Pune to review the dedicated medical facility established for treatment of Covid-19 cases.

A substantial capacity at the Old Command Hospital has been created for treatment of civil patients referred by the District Medical Officer, Pune. During the visit, the Army Commander interacted with the medical staff at the hospital.

Southern Army Commander Lieutenant General J S Nain at Old Command Hospital. (Express Photo)

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A press statement from the Southern Command quoted him as saying, “We are fully geared up for extending medical aid to the state government and people of Pune at this facility. A dedicated team of doctors and nursing assistants have been placed at the hospital to take care of Covid-19 patients”.

The statement said, “With the surge in Covid-19 cases in India, the Pune-based Southern Command has come forward yet again to provide assistance to Maharashtra and other state governments to tackle the situation. Already, assistance has been provided by the Army for opening a 900-bed hospital at Ahmedabad… Similar efforts have also been made at multiple locations in Madhya Pradesh…”.

A senior officer, who is part of the core group coordinating the medical assistance, said, “Southern Command has been historically linked with various humanitarian assistance and disaster relief operations in its area of responsibility spread over 11 states and four union territories, including an island territory covering almost 40 per cent of the Indian landmass. Clear directions have been given by the Army Commander, Southern Command to all formations under Command to be prepared to provide appropriate Covid medical facilities to assist citizens in need, while remaining fit to meet various contingencies.”

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