Mumbai: Salman Khan is set to collaborate once again with Sooraj Barjatya, the director who gave him some of the most iconic roles of his career. Known for their legendary partnership in films like Maine Pyar Kiya and Hum Aapke Hain Koun..!, the duo is gearing up for a new project that will reintroduce Salman as a fresh version of his beloved character, Prem.
In a recent interview with Hindustan Times, Barjatya shared his excitement about the reunion and revealed that crafting this new Prem is taking time. “It is going to take a little more while because we have to accept that age is now there. I have to create a new Prem. It has to suit his age. You cannot expect him to do the same things which we have been doing till now. So, to suit that age is taking me a little more time so that I can create a fresh Prem for him that goes with the same fun, same masti, and same family values,” he said.
Barjatya added that while the new Prem will embody the essence of the character audiences have loved, this time it will reflect a more mature perspective. “It will be on a different matured level. That is an experiment which is taking a little more time,” he explained.
Fans of the actor-director duo are already excited, and given their history of delivering timeless hits, the wait promises to be worth it. This upcoming project is expected to capture the heartwarming family values and charm that made their earlier collaborations unforgettable.