Ahead of the release of his upcoming film Fateh, actor Sonu Sood visited Shirdi to seek blessings. The actor shared his spiritual journey on social media. In the pictures surfaced online, Sonu is seen standing with folded hands at the sacred Shirdi temple, deeply immersed in prayer. Prior to this, he paid his respects at the Golden Temple in Amritsar. ‘Fateh’ Trailer: Sonu Sood’s Directorial Debut Unveils a Gripping Story of Digital Warfare (Watch Video).
Fateh marks Sonu Sood’s directorial debut and also stars Jacqueline Fernandez, Naseeruddin Shah, and Vijay Raaz.
View Sonu Sood’s Post:
In an exclusive interview with IANS, the actor shared how playing the role of an ordinary man with hidden strength and determination provided him with a fresh outlook on personal growth and self-confidence.
Sonu shared, “I think Fateh was my dream role, one that I always wanted to play: a common man who has a superhero inside him. I believe every individual, every common man, has a superhero within them. You just need to discover that. I’m glad that with Fateh, I was able to discover that side of myself. And I hope that when people watch it, they not only get entertained by the script but also get inspired.”
When asked what Fateh means to him, the Simmba actor stated, “I think when you can be someone’s hope, it’s not about how rich, famous, or influential you are. We are all those things, but sometimes, when someone becomes a hope, a person leaves their native village in Punjab or Uttar Pradesh with the belief that when they reach out to an individual, their life will change. I think that is true Fateh—when you can change someone’s life, that’s what real Fateh is.” ‘Was Offered Chief Minister Post’: Sonu Sood Explains Why He Turned Down Rajya Sabha Seat and Other Political Offers (Watch Video).
Produced by Umesh KR Bansal of Zee Studios and Sonali Sood of Shakti Sagar Productions, co-produced by Ajay Dhama, Fateh, a gripping tale of courage, resilience, and the fight against cybercrime is slated to release on January 10.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jan 03, 2025 12:25 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website todaynews24.top).