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Skin cycling 101: Breaking down this viral social media beauty trend | Fashion Trends


Touted as one of the skincare trends that will be big this year, skin cycling is a less is more approach that is a minimalists’ dream. Each cycle in this routine lasts for four days and follows the idea of pushing your skin to its limit on two days, while allowing it to rest and recover on two days, only to begin the whole process all over again.

This trend has gone viral on social media with many beauty gurus swearing by this technique and other skincare experts lauding its benefits. However, celebrity dermatologist Whitney Bowe is credited to have started this trend with her short video. In an interview, she said, “I want people to know that you can level it up, or level down—essentially how to customize and personalise it to meet your skin’s needs and goals. It’s meant to be a flexible framework because our skin’s needs change over time. For example, the way I’m skin cycling in the winter is very different from the way that I skin cycle in the summer. It’s important that people learn to listen to their skin and learn how to adapt to it.”


Breaking down this routine to its bare bones, Dr Agni Kumar Bose, Dermatologist, Venereologist and Dermatosurgeon, explains “It’s basically using skincare actives in rotation and on different days rather than using it all on the same day. This is coupled with rest days, where no skincare active is used on the skin.”

On the night one, you will apply a chemical exfoliant and on the second night, a retinoid is used. On night 3 and 4, a moisturiser is applied, shares Dr Abhishek Pilani, MD Dermatologist, Founder, Assure Clinics.

Good things come to those who wait and that applies especially to skincare. Skin cycling is a long-term study routine instead of a crash course. It takes time for the effects to appear, but they come in a sustainable long-term way.

The experts suggest taking two rest days if you are new to the whole routine. People with all skin types can follow this routine and reap its benefits. However, Dr Rohit Batra, Dermatologist and Dermatosurgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi cautions that those who have sensitive skin “need to be careful and consult a dermatologist before jumping into this routine. You need to take it slow and let your skin build tolerance for the active ingredients so as to avoid developing any irritation.”


By following a skin cycling routine, you are protecting your skin from over-exfoliation. It helps to maintain a balance between the usage of retinoids and chemical exfoliants allowing you to reap the benefits of these strong products without damaging your skin.

An overdose of exfoliants and retinoids could irritate the skin causing it to go in a state of chronic, low-grade inflammation, explains Dr Rohit Batra, Dermatologist and Dermatosurgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, adding, “This stresses the skin, causing breakouts and hyperpigmentation. The cycling of products and the rest days protects the skin barrier from getting damaged.”

One thing to notes is that if your skin is already used to strong products, this routine might not be as effective. However, if you are a newbie looking to dip your toes into the world of active skincare products, this routine would be perfect as a way to kick-off your skincare journey.

Dr Abhishek Pilani, MD Dermatologist, Founder – Assure Clinics cautions that “applying too much of your skincare products or forgetting to rotate your products throughout the week can affect your skin. Further, overlapping your products on the same day can lead to skin-related problems such as redness, irritation or peeling skin.”

Breaking down the routine

The skin cycling routine is a four-day cycle after which the cycle has to be repeated.

Day 1 – Use an exfoliant as a cleanser which can either an AHA like glycolic acid or BHA like salicylic acid. It will remove the dead skin, even out texture, and help better penetration of your skincare.

Day 2 – Use a retinoid during the night and it help with anti-aging, removing blemishes and giving an even texture to the skin along with acne. Initially, one might see a flare up of new breakouts so gradually ease into it. Start with the lowest retinol percent and step it up as per your skin’s tolerance.

Days 3 and 4 – Give your skin two rest days and do not apply any active ingredient on your skin. Just cleanse and moisturise your skin. This will give the skin sufficient time to repair its barrier and help reduce any redness or irritation caused by exfoliants and retinoids.

Dr Agni Kumar Bose, Dermatologist, Venereologist and Dermatosurgeon

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