Former Karnataka chief minister and BJP’s top leader BS Yediyurappa made an interesting prediction in upcoming Karnataka polls this year. The ex-CM said that Congress leader Siddaramaiah will not contest from Kolar as announced and also said that he will contest in the old Mysuru region.
Speaking to reporters on Monday, BS Yediyurappa said, “Let me reveal one thing today. Do not think that I’m making a baseless prediction but Siddaramaiah will not contest from Kolar for any reason. He is playing a drama and is hardly trying to go back to Mysuru,” The former CM also said that BJP will come up with a strategy to defeat Siddaramaiah in upcoming elections. “He is playing political circus and drama, according to me, he will not contest from there (Kolar) and may try to go back to Mysuru, if that happens, we will come up with a strategy,” added Siddaramaiah.
Few days ago, in a public meeting Siddaramaiah said, “Today among the people of Kolar, I would like to announce that Kolar is going to be the place for my election battle.” Siddaramaiah had earlier ruled out any chance of contesting from Badami – the seat he won in the 2018 poll. He also stressed that his seat will only be finalized by the high command of the Congress party.
(With inputs from PTI)