Mumbai: Shikhar Pahariya, Janhvi Kapoor’s Shikhu has set social media abuzz with his latest Instagram photo dump featuring unseen moments from 2024. Among the pictures, two stand out for fans of Janhvi: one where the actress appears to be enjoying a peaceful nap and another where she dances her heart out at Radhika Merchant and Anant Ambani’s lavish pre-wedding celebration in Italy.
In his reflective post, Shikhar wrote about gratitude, self-growth, and his aspirations for the year ahead, “Grateful for all that I could be, for all that I could see, and all that I could do. Praying for more strength, foresight, wisdom, and opportunity going into 2025… to serve those who need it most to the best of my ability… to always pick the path of righteousness no matter how tedious and to go after every goal and dream with the energy, vigour, and conviction of a lion fixed on its prey.”
The heartfelt post concluded with wishes for his followers, a nod to spirituality with “Har Har Mahadev,” and well wishes for the New Year.
Janhvi Kapoor added to the charm of the post by leaving a playful comment, “U are the best human on planet earth, happy NYE don’t eat more butter chicken.” Her lighthearted remark not only hints at their camaraderie but also underscores the close bond they share, sparking excitement among their fans.
Shikhar’s inclusion of Janhvi in his photo dump and her affectionate response have led fans to speculate about the duo’s relationship status. Many believe this is a sign that the couple might be planning to take the next big step in their relationship. One fan commented, “Wedding vibes already! Janhvi and Shikhar are perfect together!” while another wrote, “Manifesting a Kapoor wedding in 2025.”
Janhvi and Shikhar have been linked for years, with reports suggesting that the duo rekindled their romance in 2023 after a brief hiatus. Shikhar, who comes from a prominent political and business family, has often been seen accompanying Janhvi at family events and public appearances, further fuelling speculations about their steady relationship.